IVC Class Formats Banner
  • Online (Asynchronous)
    • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Real-Time Online (Synchronous)
    • In a real-time online class, course meetings occur virtually on Zoom. The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors will use Canvas to disseminate grades and potentially other class content, such as documents, discussions, and announcements. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with Zoom meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    HyFlex (Synchronous)
    • In a HyFlex class, all course meetings are held face-to-face at IVC or a designated physical site, and may also be attended virtually, via Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements. High-stake assessments, such as mid-term or final will be the same exam for online or face-to-face students. Training/approvals: Canvas Basics, Zoom, Classroom Technology Tools.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    2700 2727
    Hybrid (Face-to-Face + Online)
    • In a hybrid class, course activity occurs both online and face-toface on campus; both the online and face-to-face portion are required. The face-to-face meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas and/or zoom. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with face-to-face meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    3100 3115
    Example 2:
    Building Room
    3100 3109
    Face-to-Face (On Ground)
    • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    3100 3115
  • Changes may be occurring daily for schedule data and files are subject to change.
  • Fall 2024
    4 sections
    • Spanish
      4 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID: SPAN 100) (CSU/UC)
        • CRN 10181 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10181
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10181 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 2 28 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 1600 1602 Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
      • SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 200 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: SPAN 110 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent. The student must be able to speak and read English.
        The student can be successful in SPAN 200 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for both SPAN 100 and SPAN 110. Either a recent course in SPAN 110 or a recent 3 year high school Spanish course with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 200. A continuation of SPAN 110 covering the uses of all Spanish tenses with special emphasis on the subjunctive and imperative modes. This course requires the use of increasingly complex language structures and vocabulary to develop the functional competence required to communicate beyond survival needs and to discuss and express opinions on abstract topics related to the arts, lifestyle, linguistics, and literature at the intermediate level. (C-ID: SPAN 200) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 11166 (SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11166
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11166 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 1 29 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID: SPAN 220) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10185 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10185
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10185 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 0 30 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 2700 2726 Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
        • CRN 10188 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10188
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10188 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 2 28 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
  • Spring 2024
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 200 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: SPAN 110 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent. The student must be able to speak and read English.
        The student can be successful in SPAN 200 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for both SPAN 100 and SPAN 110. Either a recent course in SPAN 110 or a recent 3 year high school Spanish course with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 200. A continuation of SPAN 110 covering the uses of all Spanish tenses with special emphasis on the subjunctive and imperative modes. This course requires the use of increasingly complex language structures and vocabulary to develop the functional competence required to communicate beyond survival needs and to discuss and express opinions on abstract topics related to the arts, lifestyle, linguistics, and literature at the intermediate level. (C-ID: SPAN 200) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20180 (SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20180
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20180 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 3 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID: SPAN 220) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20182 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20182
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20182 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 8 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM 300 303 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
        • CRN 20187 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20187
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20187 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 19 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
  • Winter 2024
    1 section
    • Spanish
      1 section
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        1 section
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID: SPAN 220) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 15027 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 15027
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 15027 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Jan 02, 2024 Feb 02, 2024
  • Fall 2023
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID: SPAN 100) (CSU/UC)
        • CRN 10179 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10179
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10179 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 25 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID: SPAN 220) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10183 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10183
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10183 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 16 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
        • CRN 10190 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10190
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10190 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 15 15 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 28, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
  • Spring 2023
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID: SPAN 100) (CSU/UC)
        • CRN 21056 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21056
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21056 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 16 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID: SPAN 220) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20181 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20181
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20181 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 19 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
        • CRN 20185 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20185
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20185 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 15 15 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
  • Fall 2022
    4 sections
    • Spanish
      4 sections
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        3 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID: SPAN 220) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10183 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10183
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10183 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 17 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
        • CRN 10188 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10188
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10188 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 17 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
        • CRN 10190 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10190
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10190 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 15 15 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
      • SPAN 221 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II
        1 section
        SPAN 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: SPAN 220 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.
        Continuation of SPAN 220. It is designed for Heritage Speakers of Spanish to improve their writing, reading, and grammar skills. It focuses on the mastery of formal, written communication in Spanish at the intermediate-advanced level, while integrating authentic cultural and literary readings from Spanish speaking countries. The course focuses also on language challenges that Spanish speakers still encounter at intermediate-advanced level, such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish in specific contexts, and standard Spanish as contrasted with regional variations. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish. Emphasis on the conditional and the subjunctive forms. (C-ID: SPAN 230) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10191 (SPAN 221 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10191
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10191 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 16 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
  • Summer 2022
    1 section
    • Spanish
      1 section
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        1 section
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID SPAN 220) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 30007 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 30007
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 30007 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 22 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Jun 20, 2022 Jul 28, 2022
  • Spring 2022
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II
        1 section
        SPAN 110 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: SPAN 100 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.
        A continuation of SPAN 100 with the main emphasis on the imperfect, preterit, and the present perfect forms for both regular and irregular verbs. The course continues teaching language acquisition in a cultural context through the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. Not open to students with native fluency in Spanish and to those students who have studied in a Spanish Speaking country. Course is conducted in Spanish. (See SPAN 220) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20178 (SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20178
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20178 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 23 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
      • SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 200 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: SPAN 110 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent. The student must be able to speak and read English.
        The student can be successful in SPAN 200 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for both SPAN 100 and SPAN 110. Either a recent course in SPAN 110 or a recent 3 year high school Spanish course with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 200. A continuation of SPAN 110 covering the uses of all Spanish tenses with special emphasis on the subjunctive and imperative modes. This course requires the use of increasingly complex language structures and vocabulary to develop the functional competence required to communicate beyond survival needs and to discuss and express opinions on abstract topics related to the arts, lifestyle, linguistics, and literature at the intermediate level. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20180 (SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20180
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20180 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 16 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        1 section
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID SPAN 220) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20182 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a hybrid class, course activity occurs both online and face-to-face on campus; both the online and face-to-face portion are required. The face-to-face meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with face-to-face meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

          Details for Course 20182
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20182 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 11 19 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
          Meeting Type:Lecture 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM 3100 3111 Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
  • Fall 2021
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 100) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10833 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a real-time online class, course meetings occur virtually on Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors will use Canvas to disseminate grades and potentially other class content, such as documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10833
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10833 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 16 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM RT-ONL Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID SPAN 220) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10184 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10184
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10184 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 16 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
        • CRN 10189 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10189
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10189 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 13 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
  • Spring 2021
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 100) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20407 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20407
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20407 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 14 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM ONL-ZM Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II
        1 section
        SPAN 110 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: SPAN 100 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.
        A continuation of SPAN 100 with the main emphasis on the imperfect, preterit, and the present perfect forms for both regular and irregular verbs. The course continues teaching language acquisition in a cultural context through the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. Not open to students with native fluency in Spanish and to those students who have studied in a Spanish Speaking country. Course is conducted in Spanish. (See SPAN 220) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20410 (SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20410
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20410 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 3 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
          Meeting Type:Lecture 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM ONL-ZM Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        1 section
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID SPAN 220) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20415 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20415
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20415 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 8 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM ONL-ZM Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
  • Fall 2020
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 100) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10413 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10413
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10413 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 18 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID SPAN 220) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10423 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10423
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10423 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 15 15 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 10424 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10424
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10424 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 16 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
  • Spring 2020
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID SPAN 220) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20423 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20423
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20423 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 6 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 300 313A Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
        • CRN 21512 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21512
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21512 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 9 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 1300 1308 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • SPAN 221 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II
        1 section
        SPAN 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: SPAN 220 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.
        Continuation of SPAN 220. It is designed for Heritage Speakers of Spanish to improve their writing, reading, and grammar skills. It focuses on the mastery of formal, written communication in Spanish at the intermediate-advanced level, while integrating authentic cultural and literary readings from Spanish speaking countries. The course focuses also on language challenges that Spanish speakers still encounter at intermediate-advanced level, such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish in specific contexts, and standard Spanish as contrasted with regional variations. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish. Emphasis on the conditional and the subjunctive forms. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20425 (SPAN 221 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20425
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20425 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 6 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 200 211 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
  • Fall 2019
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        3 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID SPAN 220) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10419 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10419
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10419 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:30 AM - 10:05 AM 200 212 Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 10424 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10424
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10424 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 29 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 700 709 Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 10427 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10427
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10427 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 14 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 300 313A Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
  • Spring 2019
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID SPAN 220) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20415 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20415
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20415 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 7 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:30 AM - 10:05 AM 200 212 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
        • CRN 20419 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20419
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20419 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 24 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM 300 304A Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • SPAN 221 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II
        1 section
        SPAN 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: SPAN 220 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.
        Continuation of SPAN 220. It is designed for Heritage Speakers of Spanish to improve their writing, reading, and grammar skills. It focuses on the mastery of formal, written communication in Spanish at the intermediate-advanced level, while integrating authentic cultural and literary readings from Spanish speaking countries. The course focuses also on language challenges that Spanish speakers still encounter at intermediate-advanced level, such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish in specific contexts, and standard Spanish as contrasted with regional variations. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish. Emphasis on the conditional and the subjunctive forms. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20425 (SPAN 221 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20425
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20425 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 14 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 200 211 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
  • Fall 2018
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID SPAN 220) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10423 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10423
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10423 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM 300 304A Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 10424 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10424
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10424 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 24 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 700 709 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
      • SPAN 221 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II
        1 section
        SPAN 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: SPAN 220 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.
        Continuation of SPAN 220. It is designed for Heritage Speakers of Spanish to improve their writing, reading, and grammar skills. It focuses on the mastery of formal, written communication in Spanish at the intermediate-advanced level, while integrating authentic cultural and literary readings from Spanish speaking countries. The course focuses also on language challenges that Spanish speakers still encounter at intermediate-advanced level, such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish in specific contexts, and standard Spanish as contrasted with regional variations. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish. Emphasis on the conditional and the subjunctive forms. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 11427 (SPAN 221 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11427
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11427 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 13 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 300 304A Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
  • Fall 2017
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 100) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10411 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10411
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10411 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 26 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM 300 313B Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
      • SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II
        1 section
        SPAN 110 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: SPAN 100 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.
        A continuation of SPAN 100 with the main emphasis on the imperfect, preterit, and the present perfect forms for both regular and irregular verbs. The course continues teaching language acquisition in a cultural context through the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. Not open to students with native fluency in Spanish and to those students who have studied in a Spanish Speaking country. Course is conducted in Spanish. (See SPAN 220) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10414 (SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10414
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10414 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 13 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 700 709 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
      • SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I
        1 section
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. The course provides instruction that builds upon the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; placing emphasis on acquiring proficiency using formal Spanish at the intermediate level. The course also focuses on language challenges particular to Heritage and Native speakers such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish, and contrasts between standard Spanish and regional variations. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Central American. (C-ID SPAN 220) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10425 (SPAN 220 - Spanish for Heritage Speakrs I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10425
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10425 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 26 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 700 709 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
  • Spring 2017
    5 sections
    • Humanities
      1 section
      • HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        HUM 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as SPAN 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 21057 (HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21057
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21057 3.00 Rangel, Javier 30 8 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 300 304B Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
    • Spanish
      4 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 100) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20407 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20407
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20407 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 22 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM 300 313B Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
      • SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 200 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        The student can be successful in SPAN 200 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for both SPAN 100 and SPAN 110. Either a recent course in SPAN 110 or a recent 3 year high school Spanish course with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 200. A continuation of SPAN 110 covering the uses of all Spanish tenses with special emphasis on the subjunctive and imperative modes. This course requires the use of increasingly complex language structures and vocabulary to develop the functional competence required to communicate beyond survival needs and to discuss and express opinions on abstract topics related to the arts, lifestyle, linguistics, and literature at the intermediate level. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20413 (SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20413
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20413 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 29 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM 400 404 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
      • SPAN 221 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II
        1 section
        SPAN 221 Course Description:
        Continuation of SPAN 220. It is designed for Heritage Speakers of Spanish to improve their writing, reading, and grammar skills. It focuses on the mastery of formal, written communication in Spanish at the intermediate-advanced level, while integrating authentic cultural and literary readings from Spanish speaking countries. The course focuses also on language challenges that Spanish speakers still encounter at intermediate-advanced level, such as orthography, the inappropriate mix of English and Spanish in specific contexts, and standard Spanish as contrasted with regional variations. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish. Emphasis on the conditional and the subjunctive forms. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20425 (SPAN 221 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20425
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20425 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 17 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 200 211 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
      • SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        SPAN 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as HUM 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20429 (SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20429
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20429 3.00 Rangel, Javier 30 10 20 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 300 304B Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
  • Fall 2016
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 100) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10411 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10411
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10411 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 29 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM 300 313B Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
      • SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II
        1 section
        SPAN 110 Course Description:
        A continuation of SPAN 100 with the main emphasis on the imperfect, preterit, and the present perfect forms for both regular and irregular verbs. The course continues teaching language acquisition in a cultural context through the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. Not open to students with native fluency in Spanish and to those students who have studied in a Spanish Speaking country. Course is conducted in Spanish. (See SPAN 220) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10414 (SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10414
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10414 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 25 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 2700 2726 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
      • SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 200 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        The student can be successful in SPAN 200 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for both SPAN 100 and SPAN 110. Either a recent course in SPAN 110 or a recent 3 year high school Spanish course with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 200. A continuation of SPAN 110 covering the uses of all Spanish tenses with special emphasis on the subjunctive and imperative modes. This course requires the use of increasingly complex language structures and vocabulary to develop the functional competence required to communicate beyond survival needs and to discuss and express opinions on abstract topics related to the arts, lifestyle, linguistics, and literature at the intermediate level. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10417 (SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10417
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10417 5.00 Rangel, Javier 30 22 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM 300 313B Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
  • Spring 2016
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        2 sections
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 100) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20407 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20407
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20407 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 18 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM 300 313B Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
        • CRN 20409 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20409
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20409 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 23 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 2700 2726 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
      • SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 200 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        The student can be successful in SPAN 200 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for both SPAN 100 and SPAN 110. Either a recent course in SPAN 110 or a recent 3 year high school Spanish course with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 200. A continuation of SPAN 110 covering the uses of all Spanish tenses with special emphasis on the subjunctive and imperative modes. This course requires the use of increasingly complex language structures and vocabulary to develop the functional competence required to communicate beyond survival needs and to discuss and express opinions on abstract topics related to the arts, lifestyle, linguistics, and literature at the intermediate level. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20413 (SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20413
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20413 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 22 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM 400 404 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
  • Winter 2016
    1 section
    • Spanish
      1 section
      • SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II
        1 section
        SPAN 110 Course Description:
        A continuation of SPAN 100 with the main emphasis on the imperfect, preterit, and the present perfect forms for both regular and irregular verbs. The course continues teaching language acquisition in a cultural context through the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. Not open to students with native fluency in Spanish and to those students who have studied in a Spanish Speaking country. Course is conducted in Spanish. (See SPAN 220) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 15055 (SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 15055
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 15055 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 11 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:30 AM - 12:05 PM 300 304A Jan 05, 2016 Feb 05, 2016
  • Fall 2015
    3 sections
    • Spanish
      3 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        2 sections
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 100) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10410 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10410
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10410 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 19 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM 400 404 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
        • CRN 10411 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10411
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10411 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 21 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM 300 313B Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
      • SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II
        1 section
        SPAN 110 Course Description:
        A continuation of SPAN 100 with the main emphasis on the imperfect, preterit, and the present perfect forms for both regular and irregular verbs. The course continues teaching language acquisition in a cultural context through the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. Not open to students with native fluency in Spanish and to those students who have studied in a Spanish Speaking country. Course is conducted in Spanish. (See SPAN 220) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10414 (SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10414
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10414 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 26 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 2700 2726 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
  • Spring 2015
    6 sections
    • Humanities
      1 section
      • HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        HUM 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as SPAN 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20880 (HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20880
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20880 3.00 Rangel, Javier 28 8 20 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 300 304B Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
    • Spanish
      5 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20401 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20401
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20401 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 25 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 12:55 PM - 03:25 PM 300 313B Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
      • SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 200 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English. The student can be successful in SPAN 200 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for both SPAN 100 and SPAN 110. Either a recent course in SPAN 110 or a recent 3 year high school Spanish course with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 200. A continuation of SPAN 110 covering the uses of all Spanish tenses with special emphasis on the subjunctive and imperative modes. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20407 (SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20407
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20407 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 22 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:40 PM - 06:10 PM 400 404 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
      • SPAN 220 - Bilingual Spanish I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed to develop in the student the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing with a constant comparison between Spanish and English usage. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Sephardic. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20412 (SPAN 220 - Bilingual Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20412
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20412 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 22 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 2100 2139 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
        • CRN 20414 (SPAN 220 - Bilingual Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20414
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20414 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 24 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3100 3111 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
      • SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        SPAN 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as HUM 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20873 (SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20873
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20873 3.00 Rangel, Javier 28 12 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 300 304B Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
  • Fall 2014
    6 sections
    • Humanities
      1 section
      • HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        HUM 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as SPAN 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10468 (HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10468
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10468 3.00 Rangel, Javier 30 18 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 300 304B Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
    • Spanish
      5 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10446 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10446
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10446 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 25 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 12:55 PM - 03:25 PM 300 313B Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
      • SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 200 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English. The student can be successful in SPAN 200 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for both SPAN 100 and SPAN 110. Either a recent course in SPAN 110 or a recent 3 year high school Spanish course with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 200. A continuation of SPAN 110 covering the uses of all Spanish tenses with special emphasis on the subjunctive and imperative modes. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10452 (SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10452
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10452 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 27 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:40 PM - 06:10 PM 400 404 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
      • SPAN 220 - Bilingual Spanish I
        2 sections
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed to develop in the student the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing with a constant comparison between Spanish and English usage. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Sephardic. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10455 (SPAN 220 - Bilingual Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10455
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10455 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 27 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 400 404 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
        • CRN 10459 (SPAN 220 - Bilingual Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10459
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10459 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 29 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 1300 1308 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
      • SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        SPAN 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as HUM 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10467 (SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10467
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10467 3.00 Rangel, Javier 30 7 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 300 304B Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
  • Summer 2014
    1 section
    • Spanish
      1 section
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 30099 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 30099
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 30099 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 21 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:30 AM - 12:05 PM 400 404 Jun 16, 2014 Jul 23, 2014
  • Spring 2014
    5 sections
    • Spanish
      5 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        2 sections
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20572 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20572
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20572 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 21 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 12:55 PM - 03:25 PM 1300 1308 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
        • CRN 20573 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20573
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20573 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 25 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 12:55 PM - 03:25 PM 300 313B Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 200 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English. The student can be successful in SPAN 200 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for both SPAN 100 and SPAN 110. Either a recent course in SPAN 110 or a recent 3 year high school Spanish course with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 200. A continuation of SPAN 110 covering the uses of all Spanish tenses with special emphasis on the subjunctive and imperative modes. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20578 (SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20578
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20578 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 30 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 2700 2726 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • SPAN 220 - Bilingual Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed to develop in the student the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing with a constant comparison between Spanish and English usage. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Sephardic. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20862 (SPAN 220 - Bilingual Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20862
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20862 5.00 Rangel, Javier 28 20 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 2700 2711 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • SPAN 222 - Bilingual Oral Spanish
        1 section
        SPAN 222 Course Description:
        An intensive course in oral Spanish for students who have learned Spanish as a native language. It is intended for students who may read well and have good grammar but need more practice in oral structures. This course will include a brief grammar review and discussion of relevant everyday topics of social concern. Concurrent enrollment in SPAN 221 is recommended, but not required. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20591 (SPAN 222 - Bilingual Oral Spanish)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20591
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20591 3.00 Rangel, Javier 28 18 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:35 AM - 10:00 AM 400 404 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
  • Fall 2013
    6 sections
    • Humanities
      1 section
      • HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        HUM 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as SPAN 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10942 (HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10942
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10942 3.00 Rangel, Javier 30 18 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 300 304B Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
    • Spanish
      5 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10830 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10830
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10830 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 17 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 2100 2139 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II
        1 section
        SPAN 110 Course Description:
        A continuation of SPAN 100 with the main emphasis on the imperfect, preterit, and the present perfect forms for both regular and irregular verbs. Not open to students with native fluency in Spanish and to those students who have studied in a Spanish Speaking country. Course is conducted in Spanish. (See Span 220) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10833 (SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10833
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10833 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 21 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 12:55 PM - 03:25 PM 1300 1308 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • SPAN 220 - Bilingual Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 220 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Spanish speaking fluency, native or near-native or 3 years of high school Spanish.
        The course is designed to develop in the student the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing with a constant comparison between Spanish and English usage. Emphasis will be on the indicative tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, and future. These skills will be explored through reading in the contemporary culture of Spain, Latin America, and the Spanish speaking communities in the United States - Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Sephardic. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10839 (SPAN 220 - Bilingual Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10839
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10839 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 28 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 200 205 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • SPAN 222 - Bilingual Oral Spanish
        1 section
        SPAN 222 Course Description:
        An intensive course in oral Spanish for students who have learned Spanish as a native language. It is intended for students who may read well and have good grammar but need more practice in oral structures. This course will include a brief grammar review and discussion of relevant everyday topics of social concern. Concurrent enrollment in SPAN 221 is recommended, but not required. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10854 (SPAN 222 - Bilingual Oral Spanish)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10854
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10854 3.00 Rangel, Javier 25 17 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:35 AM - 10:00 AM 400 404 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        SPAN 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as HUM 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10856 (SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10856
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10856 3.00 Rangel, Javier 30 6 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 300 304B Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
  • Summer 2013
    1 section
    • Spanish
      1 section
      • SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II
        1 section
        SPAN 110 Course Description:
        A continuation of SPAN 100 with the main emphasis on the imperfect, preterit, and present perfect forms for both regular and irregular verbs. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 30043 (SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 30043
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 30043 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 16 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:30 AM - 12:05 PM 2700 2751 May 20, 2013 Jun 20, 2013
  • Spring 2013
    6 sections
    • Humanities
      1 section
      • HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        HUM 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as SPAN 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20943 (HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20943
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20943 3.00 Rangel, Javier 30 16 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2700 2751 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
    • Spanish
      5 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        3 sections
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended. The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20858 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20858
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20858 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 21 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 12:55 PM - 03:25 PM 300 304B Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
        • CRN 20870 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20870
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20870 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 13 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:35 AM - 09:45 AM 500 516 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
        • CRN 20871 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20871
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20871 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 16 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 500 509 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • SPAN 210 - Intermediate Spanish II
        1 section
        SPAN 210 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English. The student can be successful in SPAN 210 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for SPAN 100, SPAN 110, and SPAN 200. A recent course in SPAN 200 or the recent completion of 4 years of high school Spanish with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 210. A continuation of SPAN 200 but with greater emphasis on the reading and writing skills. The student will work with all tenses and modes of the Spanish language. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20954 (SPAN 210 - Intermediate Spanish II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20954
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20954 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 25 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 300 313A Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        SPAN 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as HUM 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20918 (SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20918
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20918 3.00 Rangel, Javier 30 6 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2700 2751 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
  • Fall 2012
    6 sections
    • Humanities
      1 section
      • HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        HUM 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as SPAN 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10921 (HUM 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10921
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10921 3.00 Rangel, Javier 30 9 21 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 1600 1603 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
    • Spanish
      5 sections
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        2 sections
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended. The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10893 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10893
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10893 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 18 7 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 300 313A Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10895 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10895
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10895 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 19 6 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:40 PM - 06:10 PM 300 313A Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
      • SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II
        1 section
        SPAN 110 Course Description:
        A continuation of SPAN 100 with the main emphasis on the imperfect, preterit, and present perfect forms for both regular and irregular verbs. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10896 (SPAN 110 - Elementary Spanish II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10896
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10896 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 23 2 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 300 313A Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
      • SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 200 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English. The student can be successful in SPAN 200 only after having achieved all of the minimal performance objectives specified for both SPAN 100 and SPAN 110. Either a recent course in SPAN 110 or a recent 3 year high school Spanish course with good retention should enable the student to succeed in SPAN 200. A continuation of SPAN 110 covering the uses of all Spanish tenses with special emphasis on the subjunctive and imperative modes. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10900 (SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10900
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10900 5.00 Rangel, Javier 25 18 7 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 12:55 PM - 03:25 PM 300 313A Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
      • SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies
        1 section
        SPAN 262 Course Description:
        This course offers an introduction to Chicano/a studies as an academic discipline, with a focus on the cultural values, social organization, urbanization patterns of the Chicano/a in the U.S., as well as their struggles in education, politics and legislation. Due to the nature of the subject, students will be exposed to some Spanish phrases, words, and expressions. (Same as HUM 262) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10919 (SPAN 262 - Intro to Chicano/a Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10919
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10919 3.00 Rangel, Javier 30 15 15 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 1600 1603 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012