IVC Class Formats Banner
  • Online (Asynchronous)
    • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Real-Time Online (Synchronous)
    • In a real-time online class, course meetings occur virtually on Zoom. The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors will use Canvas to disseminate grades and potentially other class content, such as documents, discussions, and announcements. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with Zoom meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    HyFlex (Synchronous)
    • In a HyFlex class, all course meetings are held face-to-face at IVC or a designated physical site, and may also be attended virtually, via Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements. High-stake assessments, such as mid-term or final will be the same exam for online or face-to-face students. Training/approvals: Canvas Basics, Zoom, Classroom Technology Tools.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    2700 2727
    Hybrid (Face-to-Face + Online)
    • In a hybrid class, course activity occurs both online and face-toface on campus; both the online and face-to-face portion are required. The face-to-face meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas and/or zoom. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with face-to-face meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    3100 3115
    Example 2:
    Building Room
    3100 3109
    Face-to-Face (On Ground)
    • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    3100 3115
  • Changes may be occurring daily for schedule data and files are subject to change.
  • Fall 2024 Non Credit
    5 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      5 sections
      • ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1
        2 sections
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12052 (ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12052
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 12052 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:20 PM 300 302 Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
        • CRN 12054 (ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12054
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 12054 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:15 AM - 10:50 AM 300 315 Aug 12, 2024 Oct 04, 2024
      • ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2
        3 sections
        ESL 891 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 890
        ESL 891 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue the development of language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and use the writing process. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 890. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12053 (ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12053
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 12053 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:10 PM 300 315 Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
        • CRN 12055 (ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12055
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 12055 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 20 10 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM 2700 2751 Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
        • CRN 12075 (ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12075
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 12075 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 28 2 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:15 AM - 10:50 AM 300 315 Oct 07, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
  • Summer 2024 Non Credit
    2 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      2 sections
      • ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 32007 (ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1)
          • Real-Time Online

          Details for Course 32007
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 32007 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 26 4 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 08:00 AM - 12:05 PM RT-ONL Jun 17, 2024 Jul 25, 2024
      • ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 891 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 890
        ESL 891 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue the development of language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and use the writing process. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 890. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 32004 (ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2)
          • Real-Time Online

          Details for Course 32004
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 32004 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 28 2 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 05:30 PM - 09:35 PM RT-ONL Jun 17, 2024 Jul 25, 2024
  • Spring 2024 Non Credit
    5 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      5 sections
      • ESL 881 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 881 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 880 Students may take courses independently or concurrently.
        ESL 881 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue development of literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics, including those focused on the workplace. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 880. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 22020 (ESL 881 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22020
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 22020 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 24 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:20 PM 2700 2735 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1
        2 sections
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 22022 (ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22022
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 22022 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 37 -7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:10 AM - 09:25 AM 400 403 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
        • CRN 22026 (ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22026
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 22026 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 03:35 PM 2700 2723 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2
        2 sections
        ESL 891 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 890
        ESL 891 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue the development of language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and use the writing process. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 890. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 22024 (ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22024
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 22024 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 39 -9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:10 PM 2700 2735 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
        • CRN 22027 (ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22027
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 22027 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 40 -10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 10:55 AM 400 413 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
  • Winter 2024 Non Credit
    2 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      2 sections
      • ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 880 Course Description:
        ESL 880 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to develop literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics in English. Students develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 881. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 17003 (ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 17003
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 17003 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:05 AM - 11:55 AM 2700 2721 Jan 02, 2024 Feb 02, 2024
      • ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 17005 (ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 17005
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 17005 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 24 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 09:20 PM 2700 2721 Jan 02, 2024 Feb 02, 2024
  • Fall 2023 Non Credit
    5 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      5 sections
      • ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1
        2 sections
        ESL 880 Course Description:
        ESL 880 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to develop literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics in English. Students develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 881. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12046 (ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12046
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 12046 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 34 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:05 PM 2700 2723 Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
        • CRN 12048 (ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12048
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 12048 Embedded Tutor 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 38 -8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:15 AM - 12:50 PM 200 212 Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
      • ESL 881 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 881 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 880 Students may take courses independently or concurrently.
        ESL 881 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue development of literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics, including those focused on the workplace. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 880. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12049 (ESL 881 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12049
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 12049 Embedded Tutor 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:35 PM 200 212 Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
      • ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12052 (ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12052
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 12052 Embedded Tutor 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 42 -12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:00 AM - 10:40 AM 300 315 Aug 14, 2023 Oct 06, 2023
      • ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 891 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 890
        ESL 891 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue the development of language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and use the writing process. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 890. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12053 (ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12053
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 12053 Embedded Tutor 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 42 -12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:00 AM - 10:40 AM 300 315 Oct 09, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
  • Summer 2023 Non Credit
    2 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      2 sections
      • ESL 881 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 881 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 880 Students may take courses independently or concurrently.
        ESL 881 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue development of literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics, including those focused on the workplace. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 880. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 32013 (ESL 881 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 2)
          • Real-Time Online

          Details for Course 32013
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 32013 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 34 -4 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 08:00 AM - 12:05 PM RT-ONL Jun 20, 2023 Jul 27, 2023
      • ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 891 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 890
        ESL 891 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue the development of language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and use the writing process. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 890. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 32015 (ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2)
          • Real-Time Online

          Details for Course 32015
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 32015 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 40 -10 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 05:30 PM - 09:35 PM RT-ONL Jun 20, 2023 Jul 27, 2023
  • Spring 2023 Non Credit
    5 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      5 sections
      • ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1
        2 sections
        ESL 880 Course Description:
        ESL 880 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to develop literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics in English. Students develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 881. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 22016 (ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22016
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 22016 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 35 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:30 AM - 11:05 AM 2700 2737 Feb 13, 2023 Apr 08, 2023
        • CRN 22017 (ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a hybrid class, course activity occurs both online and face-to-face on campus; both the online and face-to-face portion are required. The face-to-face meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with face-to-face meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

          Details for Course 22017
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 22017 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 28 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 06:30 PM - 09:20 PM RT-ONL Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 06:30 PM - 09:20 PM 2700 2725 Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
      • ESL 881 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 881 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 880 Students may take courses independently or concurrently.
        ESL 881 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue development of literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics, including those focused on the workplace. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 880. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 22019 (ESL 881 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22019
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 22019 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 33 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:30 AM - 11:05 AM 2700 2737 Apr 17, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
      • ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 22026 (ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22026
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 22026 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 24 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:15 PM - 05:50 PM 200 209 Apr 17, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
      • ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 891 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 890
        ESL 891 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue the development of language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and use the writing process. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 890. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 22025 (ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22025
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 22025 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:15 PM - 05:50 PM 2700 2733 Feb 13, 2023 Apr 08, 2023
  • Winter 2023 Non Credit
    2 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      2 sections
      • ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 880 Course Description:
        ESL 880 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to develop literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics in English. Students develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 881. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 17003 (ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 17003
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 17003 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 38 -8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:05 AM - 11:55 AM 2700 2737 Jan 03, 2023 Feb 03, 2023
      • ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 17005 (ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 17005
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 17005 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 20 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 09:20 PM 2700 2721 Jan 03, 2023 Feb 03, 2023
  • Fall 2022
    2 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      2 sections
      • ESL 023 - ESL Reading 1
        1 section
        ESL 023 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 003 and ESL 013.
        This course is designed to assist intermediate level ESL students in developing reading skills and reading efficiency in English. Focus will be placed understanding text structure and overall comprehension of a variety of texts. Further development of reading skills will also be emphasized. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10167 (ESL 023 - ESL Reading 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10167
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10167 3.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:00 AM - 11:10 AM 2700 2735 Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
      • ESL 024 - ESL Reading 2
        1 section
        ESL 024 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 023 with a grade of “C” or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 004 and ESL 014.
        This course is designed to assist high-intermediate ESL students in developing reading skills and reading efficiency in English. Focus will be placed on understanding text structure and overall comprehension of a variety of texts. Further development of reading skills will also be emphasized. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10169 (ESL 024 - ESL Reading 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10169
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10169 3.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 19 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:45 AM - 02:55 PM 2700 2735 Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
  • Fall 2022 Non Credit
    4 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      4 sections
      • ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 880 Course Description:
        ESL 880 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to develop literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics in English. Students develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 881. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12044 (ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12044
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 12044 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 37 -7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:30 AM - 11:10 AM 3400 3400 Aug 15, 2022 Oct 07, 2022
      • ESL 881 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 881 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 880 Students may take courses independently or concurrently.
        ESL 881 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue development of literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics, including those focused on the workplace. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 880. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12045 (ESL 881 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12045
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 12045 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 36 -6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:30 AM - 11:10 AM 3400 3400 Oct 10, 2022 Dec 09, 2022
      • ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12054 (ESL 890 - Advanced Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12054
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 12054 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 31 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:45 PM - 06:20 PM 400 403 Oct 10, 2022 Dec 09, 2022
      • ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 891 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 890
        ESL 891 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue the development of language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and use the writing process. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 890. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12055 (ESL 891 - Advanced Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12055
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 12055 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 31 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:45 PM - 06:20 PM 400 403 Aug 15, 2022 Oct 07, 2022
  • Summer 2022 Non Credit
    2 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      2 sections
      • ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 880 Course Description:
        ESL 880 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to develop literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics in English. Students develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 881. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 32005 (ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 32005
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 32005 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 23 7 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:05 AM - 11:55 AM 400 412 Jun 20, 2022 Jul 28, 2022
      • ESL 890 - High Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 32006 (ESL 890 - High Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 32006
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 32006 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 28 2 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 09:20 PM 400 402 Jun 20, 2022 Jul 28, 2022
  • Spring 2022
    2 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      2 sections
      • ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3
        1 section
        ESL 003 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 013 and ESL 023
        ESL 003 is an integrated writing and grammar course designed for ESL students to develop language skills at the low intermediate level. Students will learn to write organized paragraphs on familiar topics. Course will also emphasize increasing vocabulary and grammar knowledge through reading and other activities. This course may be taken concurrently with other ESL Level 3 courses. Successful completion of this course will prepare students for ESL 004. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20140 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20140
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20140 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3100 3112 Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
      • ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3
        1 section
        ESL 013 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 003 and ESL 023
        ESL 013 is a listening and speaking course for ESL students who want to develop oral language skills and listening skills at the low-intermediate level. Students learn to exchange information on a variety of common topics, expressing ideas in an extended series of phrases and sentences. Students also increase listening comprehension skills by listening to a variety of academic material. This course may be taken concurrently with other ESL Level 3 courses. Successful completion of this course will prepare students for ESL 014. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20156 (ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20156
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20156 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3700 3700 Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
  • Spring 2022 Non Credit
    4 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      4 sections
      • ESL 824 - ESL for Survival English I
        1 section
        ESL 824 Course Description:
        A short-term intensive course in Survival English for speakers with little or no oral or written English competency. Mainly for learners whose main interest is to learn a level of English that will allow them to marginally function in the U.S. culture. It will teach students the rudiments of English, utilizing such methods as repetitive drills (TPR), songs, dialog repetition, etc.
        • CRN 22057 (ESL 824 - ESL for Survival English I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22057
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 22057 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 18 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 07:45 PM PACE Feb 15, 2022 Mar 29, 2022
      • ESL 825 - ESL for Survival English II
        1 section
        ESL 825 Course Description:
        A short-term intensive course in Survival English and an extension of Engl. 824 - to build on scheme and knowledge gained in Engl. 824. For learners whose main interest is to learn a level of English that will allow them to function in the U.S. culture. It will teach students the rudiments of English, utilizing such methods as generative themes, jazz chants, basic grammar drills, etc.
        • CRN 22060 (ESL 825 - ESL for Survival English II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22060
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 22060 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 20 5 No Syllabus Available Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 07:45 PM PACE Mar 31, 2022 May 19, 2022
      • ESL 890 - High Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 22092 (ESL 890 - High Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22092
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 22092 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 38 -8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:20 PM 2700 2735 Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
      • ESL 891 - High Beginning ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 891 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 890
        ESL 891 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to continue the development of language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and use the writing process. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 890. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 22094 (ESL 891 - High Beginning ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 22094
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 22094 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 38 -8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:35 PM - 06:25 PM 2700 2735 Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
  • Winter 2022 Non Credit
    1 section
    • English as a Second Language
      1 section
      • ESL 890 - High Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 17001 (ESL 890 - High Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 17001
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 17001 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 35 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:05 AM - 11:55 AM 400 402 Jan 03, 2022 Feb 03, 2022
  • Fall 2021
    2 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      2 sections
      • ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3
        1 section
        ESL 003 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 013 and ESL 023
        ESL 003 is an integrated writing and grammar course designed for ESL students to develop language skills at the low intermediate level. Students will learn to write organized paragraphs on familiar topics. Course will also emphasize increasing vocabulary and grammar knowledge through reading and other activities. This course may be taken concurrently with other ESL Level 3 courses. Successful completion of this course will prepare students for ESL 004. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10486 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10486
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10486 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 11 19 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 2700 2751 Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
      • ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3
        1 section
        ESL 013 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 003 and ESL 023
        ESL 013 is a listening and speaking course for ESL students who want to develop oral language skills and listening skills at the low-intermediate level. Students learn to exchange information on a variety of common topics, expressing ideas in an extended series of phrases and sentences. Students also increase listening comprehension skills by listening to a variety of academic material. This course may be taken concurrently with other ESL Level 3 courses. Successful completion of this course will prepare students for ESL 014. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10163 (ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10163
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10163 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 13 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 2700 2721 Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
  • Fall 2021 Non Credit
    4 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      4 sections
      • ESL 824 - ESL for Survival English I
        1 section
        ESL 824 Course Description:
        A short-term intensive course in Survival English for speakers with little or no oral or written English competency. Mainly for learners whose main interest is to learn a level of English that will allow them to marginally function in the U.S. culture. It will teach students the rudiments of English, utilizing such methods as repetitive drills (TPR), songs, dialog repetition, etc.
        • CRN 12004 (ESL 824 - ESL for Survival English I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12004
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 12004 Embedded Tutor 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 40 13 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:00 AM - 10:05 AM 2600 2602 Aug 24, 2021 Oct 07, 2021
      • ESL 825 - ESL for Survival English II
        1 section
        ESL 825 Course Description:
        A short-term intensive course in Survival English and an extension of Engl. 824 - to build on scheme and knowledge gained in Engl. 824. For learners whose main interest is to learn a level of English that will allow them to function in the U.S. culture. It will teach students the rudiments of English, utilizing such methods as generative themes, jazz chants, basic grammar drills, etc.
        • CRN 12005 (ESL 825 - ESL for Survival English II)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12005
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 12005 Embedded Tutor 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 40 39 1 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:00 AM - 10:05 AM 2600 2602 Oct 12, 2021 Dec 07, 2021
      • ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 880 Course Description:
        ESL 880 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL students to develop literacy and communication skills at the intermediate-beginning level. Students learn how to speak and write about everyday topics in English. Students develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. This course may be taken concurrently with ESL 881. (CEFR A1) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12042 (ESL 880 - Intermediate Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12042
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 12042 Embedded Tutor 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 26 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:45 PM - 06:20 PM 2600 2602 Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
      • ESL 890 - High Beginning ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 890 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: Completion of ESL 881.
        ESL 890 is an integrated skills course designed for ESL student to develop language skills at the high-beginning level. Students learn to speak and write about personal and workplace topics, give presentations, and express ideas in paragraph form. Students continue to develop reading skills, knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical competence, and overall language comprehension. The course may be taken concurrently with ESL 891. (CEFR A2) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 12043 (ESL 890 - High Beginning ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 12043
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 12043 0.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 12 18 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 03:35 PM 2600 2602 Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
  • Spring 2021
    5 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      5 sections
      • ESL 001 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 001 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 011
        ESL 001 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the beginning or false beginning ESL student. The course will cover grammar and simple sentence writing. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20301 (ESL 001 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 1)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20301
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20301 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3
        1 section
        ESL 003 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 002 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 013
        ESL 003 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the intermediate ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar, writing sentences, and short paragraphs. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 21032 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21032
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21032 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 26 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4
        1 section
        ESL 004 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 003 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 014
        ESL 004 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the high-intermediate ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar, writing sentences, and paragraphs. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 21733 (ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21733
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21733 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 26 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5
        1 section
        ESL 005 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 004 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 015
        ESL 005 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the advanced ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar and writing sentences and paragraphs in a variety of rhetorical modes. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20319 (ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20319
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20319 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 24 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 012 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 011 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 002, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 012 is a grammar based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the low intermediate ESL student. Students will further develop listening comprehension and will increase fluency, accuracy, and confidence in oral production. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20331 (ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20331
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20331 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 13 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
  • Fall 2020
    7 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      7 sections
      • ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 002 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 001 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 012
        ESL 002 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the low-intermediate ESL student. The course will cover grammar and simple sentence writing. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10309 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10309
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10309 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 29 1 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Oct 12, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
      • ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3
        2 sections
        ESL 003 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 002 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 013
        ESL 003 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the intermediate ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar, writing sentences, and short paragraphs. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10310 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10310
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10310 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 27 3 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 10315 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10315
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10315 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 10 20 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Oct 12, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
      • ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 012 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 011 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 002, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 012 is a grammar based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the low intermediate ESL student. Students will further develop listening comprehension and will increase fluency, accuracy, and confidence in oral production. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10335 (ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10335
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10335 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Oct 09, 2020
      • ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3
        1 section
        ESL 013 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 012 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 003
        ESL 013 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the intermediate ESL student. Students will further develop listening comprehension and will increase fluency, accuracy, and confidence in oral production. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10340 (ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10340
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10340 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 10 20 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Oct 09, 2020
      • ESL 031 - Verb Review 1
        2 sections
        ESL 031 Course Description:
        This course is designed to review and reinforce proper use of the verbs "to be" and "to have", and the simple present and present progressive verb forms. It is a recommended supplement for students in Beginning and Low Intermediate ESL courses. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10959 (ESL 031 - Verb Review 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10959
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10959 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 25 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Oct 12, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 11148 (ESL 031 - Verb Review 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11148
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11148 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 25 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Oct 12, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
  • Spring 2020
    11 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      11 sections
      • ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2
        2 sections
        ESL 002 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 001 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 012
        ESL 002 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the low-intermediate ESL student. The course will cover grammar and simple sentence writing. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20304 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20304
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20304 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 19 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 3300 3300 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
        • CRN 21208 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21208
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21208 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 21 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3300 3300 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL
        2 sections
        ESL 011 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 011 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the beginning or false-beginning ESL student. Listening comprehension and speaking skills will be developed through basic dialogues, modeled tasks, and communicative activities. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20324 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20324
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20324 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 18 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 2700 2728 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
        • CRN 21417 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21417
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21417 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 13 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 400 403 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • ESL 031 - Verb Review 1
        2 sections
        ESL 031 Course Description:
        This course is designed to review and reinforce proper use of the verbs "to be" and "to have", and the simple present and present progressive verb forms. It is a recommended supplement for students in Beginning and Low Intermediate ESL courses. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 21522 (ESL 031 - Verb Review 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21522
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21522 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 24 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:05 PM 3600 3600 Feb 18, 2020 Apr 06, 2020
        • CRN 21523 (ESL 031 - Verb Review 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21523
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21523 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 20 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:15 PM - 06:20 PM 400 402 Feb 18, 2020 Apr 06, 2020
      • ESL 032 - Verb Review 2
        2 sections
        ESL 032 Course Description:
        This course is designed to review and reinforce proper use of the simple present, present progressive, simple past, and past progressive verb tenses. It is a recommended supplement for students in Low Intermediate and Intermediate ESL courses. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20362 (ESL 032 - Verb Review 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20362
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20362 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 13 17 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:05 PM 3600 3600 Apr 22, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
        • CRN 20931 (ESL 032 - Verb Review 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20931
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20931 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 13 17 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:15 PM - 06:20 PM 400 402 Apr 27, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • ESL 037 - Verb Review 7
        1 section
        ESL 037 Course Description:
        This course is designed to review and reinforce proper use of verb tenses in English. It is a recommended supplement for students in Advanced ESL courses, as well as for students in developmental English courses. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 21322 (ESL 037 - Verb Review 7)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21322
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21322 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 3 27 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:15 PM - 06:20 PM 3300 3300 Apr 27, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • ESL 052 - Pronunciation 2
        2 sections
        ESL 052 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 002 and ESL 012
        ESL 052 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus on clearer articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the increased development of basic English patterns of stress, intonation, and rhythm. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 21295 (ESL 052 - Pronunciation 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21295
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21295 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 19 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:15 PM - 06:20 PM 3300 3300 Feb 18, 2020 Apr 06, 2020
        • CRN 21296 (ESL 052 - Pronunciation 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21296
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21296 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:05 PM 3300 3300 Feb 18, 2020 Apr 06, 2020
  • Winter 2020
    2 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      2 sections
      • ESL 001 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 001 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 011
        ESL 001 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the beginning or false beginning ESL student. The course will cover grammar and simple sentence writing. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 15321 (ESL 001 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 15321
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 15321 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 21 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 12:30 PM - 04:20 PM 200 201 Jan 06, 2020 Feb 06, 2020
      • ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4
        1 section
        ESL 004 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 003 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 014
        ESL 004 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the high-intermediate ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar, writing sentences, and paragraphs. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 15282 (ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 15282
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 15282 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 26 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:05 AM - 11:55 AM 300 304A Jan 06, 2020 Feb 06, 2020
  • Fall 2019
    11 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      11 sections
      • ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2
        2 sections
        ESL 002 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 001 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 012
        ESL 002 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the low-intermediate ESL student. The course will cover grammar and simple sentence writing. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10307 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10307
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10307 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 29 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3700 3700 Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 10309 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10309
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10309 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 3600 3600 Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
      • ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL
        2 sections
        ESL 011 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 011 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the beginning or false-beginning ESL student. Listening comprehension and speaking skills will be developed through basic dialogues, modeled tasks, and communicative activities. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10331 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10331
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10331 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 34 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:15 AM - 12:50 PM 3300 3300 Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 11559 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11559
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 11559 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 200 211 Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
      • ESL 031 - Verb Review 1
        2 sections
        ESL 031 Course Description:
        This course is designed to review and reinforce proper use of the verbs "to be" and "to have", and the simple present and present progressive verb forms. It is a recommended supplement for students in Beginning and Low Intermediate ESL courses. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10959 (ESL 031 - Verb Review 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10959
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10959 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 34 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:15 PM 3700 3700 Aug 20, 2019 Sep 26, 2019
        • CRN 11148 (ESL 031 - Verb Review 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11148
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 11148 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 34 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:05 PM - 06:20 PM 3600 3600 Aug 19, 2019 Sep 26, 2019
      • ESL 032 - Verb Review 2
        2 sections
        ESL 032 Course Description:
        This course is designed to review and reinforce proper use of the simple present, present progressive, simple past, and past progressive verb tenses. It is a recommended supplement for students in Low Intermediate and Intermediate ESL courses. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10366 (ESL 032 - Verb Review 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10366
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10366 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 31 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:15 PM 3700 3700 Oct 29, 2019 Dec 12, 2019
        • CRN 10960 (ESL 032 - Verb Review 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10960
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10960 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 21 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:05 PM - 06:20 PM 3600 3600 Oct 29, 2019 Dec 12, 2019
      • ESL 042 - Conversation 2
        1 section
        ESL 042 Course Description:
        ESL 042 is a short-term intensive course designed for students to participate in a variety of authentic exchanges in academic and workplace environments. Topics include asking for permission, help and advice, and opening/closing telephone conversations. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 11152 (ESL 042 - Conversation 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11152
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 11152 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 40 -10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 3300 3300 Aug 19, 2019 Sep 25, 2019
      • ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1
        1 section
        ESL 051 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001 and ESL 011
        ESL 051 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus and improve on the articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the development of basic English patterns of stress and intonation. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10365 (ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10365
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10365 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 3300 3300 Oct 28, 2019 Dec 11, 2019
      • ESL 061 - Vocabulary 2
        1 section
        ESL 061 Course Description:
        ESL 061 provides beginning level students additional review, practice, and instruction in basic vocabulary. Topics to be covered include: community life, home, describing people and places, food, colors and clothing. Focus will be on a written and communicative activities designed to increase fluency. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 11043 (ESL 061 - Vocabulary 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11043
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 11043 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:00 PM - 06:25 PM 200 211 Oct 28, 2019 Dec 11, 2019
  • Spring 2019
    8 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      8 sections
      • ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4
        3 sections
        ESL 004 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 003 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 014
        ESL 004 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the high-intermediate ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar, writing sentences, and paragraphs. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20313 (ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20313
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20313 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 35 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3600 3600 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
        • CRN 20315 (ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20315
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20315 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 37 -7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 3700 3700 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
        • CRN 21325 (ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21325
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 21325 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 33 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM 3600 3600 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL
        1 section
        ESL 011 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 011 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the beginning or false-beginning ESL student. Listening comprehension and speaking skills will be developed through basic dialogues, modeled tasks, and communicative activities. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 21417 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21417
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21417 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 24 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 2100 2139 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • ESL 025 - ESL Reading 3
        1 section
        ESL 025 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 024 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        This course is designed to assist advanced ESL students in further developing reading skills and reading efficiency in English. Focus will be placed on understanding text understanding text structure and overall comprehension of a variety of texts. Further development of reading skills will also be emphasized. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20353 (ESL 025 - ESL Reading 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20353
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20353 3.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 22 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:00 AM - 11:10 AM 3400 3400 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • ESL 052 - Pronunciation 2
        2 sections
        ESL 052 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 002 and ESL 012
        ESL 052 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus on clearer articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the increased development of basic English patterns of stress, intonation, and rhythm. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 21295 (ESL 052 - Pronunciation 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21295
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21295 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:00 PM - 06:20 PM 2100 2139 Apr 29, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
        • CRN 21296 (ESL 052 - Pronunciation 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21296
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 21296 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 34 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 3700 3700 Apr 29, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • ESL 061 - Vocabulary 2
        1 section
        ESL 061 Course Description:
        ESL 061 provides beginning level students additional review, practice, and instruction in basic vocabulary. Topics to be covered include: community life, home, describing people and places, food, colors and clothing. Focus will be on a written and communicative activities designed to increase fluency. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20360 (ESL 061 - Vocabulary 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20360
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20360 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:05 PM - 06:20 PM 3700 3700 Feb 12, 2019 Mar 21, 2019
  • Fall 2018
    7 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      7 sections
      • ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3
        3 sections
        ESL 003 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 002 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 013
        ESL 003 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the intermediate ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar, writing sentences, and short paragraphs. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10310 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10310
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10310 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 33 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3600 3600 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 10315 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10315
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10315 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 35 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 3600 3600 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 11039 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11039
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11039 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3600 3600 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
      • ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3
        2 sections
        ESL 013 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 012 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 003
        ESL 013 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the intermediate ESL student. Students will further develop listening comprehension and will increase fluency, accuracy, and confidence in oral production. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10336 (ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10336
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10336 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 37 -7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3300 3300 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 10340 (ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10340
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10340 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 34 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 3400 3400 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
      • ESL 031 - Verb Review 1
        1 section
        ESL 031 Course Description:
        This course is designed to review and reinforce proper use of the verbs "to be" and "to have", and the simple present and present progressive verb forms. It is a recommended supplement for students in Beginning and Low Intermediate ESL courses. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 11148 (ESL 031 - Verb Review 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11148
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11148 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 28 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:05 PM - 06:20 PM 3600 3600 Aug 14, 2018 Sep 20, 2018
      • ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1
        1 section
        ESL 051 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001 and ESL 011
        ESL 051 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus and improve on the articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the development of basic English patterns of stress and intonation. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10365 (ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10365
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10365 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 39 -9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 3300 3300 Oct 22, 2018 Dec 05, 2018
  • Spring 2018
    7 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      7 sections
      • ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2
        3 sections
        ESL 002 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 001 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 012
        ESL 002 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the low-intermediate ESL student. The course will cover grammar and simple sentence writing. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20302 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20302
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20302 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 29 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3400 3400 Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
        • CRN 20303 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20303
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20303 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3400 3400 Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
        • CRN 20304 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20304
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20304 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 36 -6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 3400 3400 Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
      • ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 012 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 011 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 002, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 012 is a grammar based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the low intermediate ESL student. Students will further develop listening comprehension and will increase fluency, accuracy, and confidence in oral production. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 21130 (ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21130
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 21130 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 46 -16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 3400 3400 Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
      • ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3
        1 section
        ESL 013 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 012 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 003
        ESL 013 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the intermediate ESL student. Students will further develop listening comprehension and will increase fluency, accuracy, and confidence in oral production. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20334 (ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20334
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20334 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 31 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3400 3400 Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
      • ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1
        2 sections
        ESL 051 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001 and ESL 011
        ESL 051 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus and improve on the articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the development of basic English patterns of stress and intonation. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20361 (ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20361
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20361 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 28 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 3400 3400 Apr 30, 2018 Jun 06, 2018
        • CRN 20374 (ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20374
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20374 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 25 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:00 PM - 06:20 PM 3400 3400 Apr 30, 2018 Jun 06, 2018
  • Fall 2017
    7 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      7 sections
      • ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2
        3 sections
        ESL 002 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 001 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 012
        ESL 002 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the low-intermediate ESL student. The course will cover grammar and simple sentence writing. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10306 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10306
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10306 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 35 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3400 3400 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
        • CRN 10307 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10307
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10307 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 37 -7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3400 3400 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
        • CRN 10309 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10309
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10309 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 33 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 2700 2731 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
      • ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL
        2 sections
        ESL 011 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 011 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the beginning or false-beginning ESL student. Listening comprehension and speaking skills will be developed through basic dialogues, modeled tasks, and communicative activities. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10331 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10331
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10331 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 31 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:10 AM - 12:45 PM 300 304A Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
        • CRN 10951 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10951
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10951 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:30 AM - 10:05 AM 800 804 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
      • ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1
        1 section
        ESL 051 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001 and ESL 011
        ESL 051 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus and improve on the articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the development of basic English patterns of stress and intonation. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10365 (ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10365
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10365 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:00 PM - 06:20 PM 2700 2732 Aug 14, 2017 Sep 20, 2017
      • ESL 052 - Pronunciation 2
        1 section
        ESL 052 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 002 and ESL 012
        ESL 052 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus on clearer articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the increased development of basic English patterns of stress, intonation, and rhythm. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10370 (ESL 052 - Pronunciation 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10370
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10370 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:05 PM - 06:20 PM 2700 2732 Oct 23, 2017 Dec 06, 2017
  • Spring 2017
    7 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      6 sections
      • ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2
        3 sections
        ESL 002 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 001 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 012
        ESL 002 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the low-intermediate ESL student. The course will cover grammar and simple sentence writing. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20302 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20302
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20302 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 31 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3000 3000 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
        • CRN 20303 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20303
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20303 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3000 3000 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
        • CRN 20304 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20304
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20304 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 31 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 3400 3400 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
      • ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL
        1 section
        ESL 011 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 011 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the beginning or false-beginning ESL student. Listening comprehension and speaking skills will be developed through basic dialogues, modeled tasks, and communicative activities. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20325 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20325
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20325 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:10 AM - 12:45 PM 200 213 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
      • ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1
        1 section
        ESL 051 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001 and ESL 011
        ESL 051 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus and improve on the articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the development of basic English patterns of stress and intonation. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20374 (ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20374
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20374 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 21 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:00 PM - 06:20 PM 2700 2723 May 01, 2017 Jun 07, 2017
      • ESL 062 - Vocabulary 3
        1 section
        ESL 062 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 002
        ESL 062 provides students additional review, practice and instruction in basic vocabulary. Topics to be covered include: shopping, community services, health, and school. Focus will be on written and communicative activities designed to increase fluency for learners at the high beginning level of English. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20363 (ESL 062 - Vocabulary 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20363
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20363 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 19 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:05 PM - 06:20 PM 3400 3400 Feb 14, 2017 Mar 23, 2017
    • Spanish
      1 section
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 100) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 20408 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20408
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20408 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 20 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:15 AM - 09:50 AM 400 404 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
  • Fall 2016
    6 sections
    • English
      1 section
      • ENGL 270 - Introduction to Linguistics
        1 section
        ENGL 270 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ENGL 110 or ENGL 101 with a grade of "C" or better.
        This course is designed to introduce students to the field of Linguistics. In this course students develop an understanding of the nature of language through the study of core areas in linguistics, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Students also read, observe, and think critically about psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, sign language, animal communication, and artificial intelligence. This course is designed for students who plan to transfer as well as for those with a general interest in linguistics. (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 11063 (ENGL 270 - Introduction to Linguistics)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11063
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11063 3.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 16 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 05:10 PM 2900 2900 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
    • English as a Second Language
      5 sections
      • ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3
        2 sections
        ESL 003 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 002 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 013
        ESL 003 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the intermediate ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar, writing sentences, and short paragraphs. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10310 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10310
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10310 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 38 -8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3000 3000 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
        • CRN 10315 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10315
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10315 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 29 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 400 402 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
      • ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3
        3 sections
        ESL 013 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 012 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 003
        ESL 013 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the intermediate ESL student. Students will further develop listening comprehension and will increase fluency, accuracy, and confidence in oral production. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10336 (ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10336
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10336 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3600 3600 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
        • CRN 10337 (ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10337
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10337 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 34 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3600 3600 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
        • CRN 10340 (ESL 013 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10340
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10340 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 300 313A Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
  • Spring 2016
    7 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      7 sections
      • ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 002 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 001 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 012
        ESL 002 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the low-intermediate ESL student. The course will cover grammar and simple sentence writing. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20305 (ESL 002 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20305
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20305 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 32 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 3100 3112 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
      • ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL
        2 sections
        ESL 011 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 011 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the beginning or false-beginning ESL student. Listening comprehension and speaking skills will be developed through basic dialogues, modeled tasks, and communicative activities. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20325 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20325
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20325 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 28 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 300 304A Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
        • CRN 21026 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21026
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21026 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 16 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 300 304A Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
      • ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2
        1 section
        ESL 012 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 011 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 002, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 012 is a grammar based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the low intermediate ESL student. Students will further develop listening comprehension and will increase fluency, accuracy, and confidence in oral production. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20331 (ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20331
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20331 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 34 -6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 300 304A Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
      • ESL 024 - ESL Reading 2
        1 section
        ESL 024 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 023 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        This course is designed to assist high-intermediate ESL students in developing reading skills and reading efficiency in English. Focus will be placed on understanding text structure and overall comprehension of a variety of texts. Further development of reading skills will also be emphasized. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20835 (ESL 024 - ESL Reading 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20835
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20835 3.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 3400 3400 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
      • ESL 041 - Conversation 1
        1 section
        ESL 041 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 001 or ESL 002.
        ESL 041 is a short-term intensive course designed for students to participate in a variety of authentic exchanges in academic and workplace environments. Topics include opening, maintaining, and closing a conversation, describing things, places and people. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20369 (ESL 041 - Conversation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20369
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20369 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 26 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:00 PM - 06:20 PM 3100 3112 Feb 17, 2016 Mar 23, 2016
      • ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1
        1 section
        ESL 051 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001 and ESL 011
        ESL 051 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus and improve on the articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the development of basic English patterns of stress and intonation. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20374 (ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20374
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20374 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 24 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:00 PM - 06:20 PM 3100 3112 May 02, 2016 Jun 08, 2016
  • Fall 2015
    7 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      6 sections
      • ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5
        3 sections
        ESL 005 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 004 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 015
        ESL 005 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the advanced ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar and writing sentences and paragraphs in a variety of rhetorical modes. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10323 (ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10323
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10323 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 33 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3400 3400 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
        • CRN 10325 (ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10325
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10325 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 39 -11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3400 3400 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
        • CRN 10327 (ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10327
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10327 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 37 -9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 3400 3400 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
      • ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL
        1 section
        ESL 011 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 011 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the beginning or false-beginning ESL student. Listening comprehension and speaking skills will be developed through basic dialogues, modeled tasks, and communicative activities. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10331 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10331
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10331 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 31 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 800 806 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
      • ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1
        2 sections
        ESL 051 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001 and ESL 011
        ESL 051 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus and improve on the articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the development of basic English patterns of stress and intonation. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10365 (ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10365
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10365 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 31 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM 800 810 Oct 26, 2015 Dec 09, 2015
        • CRN 10378 (ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10378
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10378 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 38 -10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:00 PM - 06:20 PM 800 806 Oct 26, 2015 Dec 09, 2015
    • Spanish
      1 section
      • SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I
        1 section
        SPAN 100 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: The student must be able to speak and read English.
        Not open to students with native ability in Spanish or those who have studied in a Spanish speaking country. (See SPAN 220). For additional oral practice, concurrent enrollment in SPAN 113 is recommended.
        The beginning Spanish course is based on a contrastive analysis between Spanish and English and is designed to develop in the English-speaking student rudimentary abilities in the four basic language skills: hearing, speaking, reading, and writing. The main emphasis is on the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs. The student will be familiarized with those features of Hispanic culture through authentic language and cultural products, which reflect the different frame of reference from which the native speaker of Spanish views the world. The class is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 100) (CSU, UC)
        • CRN 10412 (SPAN 100 - Elementary Spanish I)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10412
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10412 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 22 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:15 AM - 09:50 AM 400 404 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
  • Summer 2015
    1 section
    • English as a Second Language
      1 section
      • ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5
        1 section
        ESL 005 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 004 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 015
        ESL 005 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the advanced ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar and writing sentences and paragraphs in a variety of rhetorical modes. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 30031 (ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 30031
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 30031 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 26 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 11:15 AM 2700 2732 Jun 24, 2015 Jun 26, 2015
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 11:15 AM 2700 2732 Jun 29, 2015 Jul 30, 2015
  • Spring 2015
    4 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      4 sections
      • ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4
        3 sections
        ESL 004 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 003 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 014
        ESL 004 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the high-intermediate ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar, writing sentences, and paragraphs. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20521 (ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20521
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20521 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 33 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3400 3400 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
        • CRN 20523 (ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20523
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20523 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 40 -12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3400 3400 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
        • CRN 20526 (ESL 004 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 4)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20526
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20526 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 37 -9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 800 806 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
      • ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL
        1 section
        ESL 011 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 011 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the beginning or false-beginning ESL student. Listening comprehension and speaking skills will be developed through basic dialogues, modeled tasks, and communicative activities. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20539 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20539
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20539 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 30 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 200 201 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
  • Fall 2014
    3 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      3 sections
      • ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3
        3 sections
        ESL 003 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 002 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 013
        ESL 003 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the intermediate ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar, writing sentences, and short paragraphs. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10141 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10141
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10141 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 23 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3100 3111 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
        • CRN 10144 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10144
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10144 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 27 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3100 3111 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
        • CRN 10146 (ESL 003 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10146
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10146 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 26 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 2700 2735 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
  • Spring 2014
    5 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      5 sections
      • ESL 010 - ESL Language Laboratory
        1 section
        ESL 010 Course Description:
        ESL 010 is a self-paced course which provides individualized, interactive conversational English practice with appropriate software programs in the language laboratory. Students practice listening comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence development through interactive activities appropriate to their proficiency level. This course is a recommended supplement for any level of ESL. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20721 (ESL 010 - ESL Language Laboratory)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20721
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20721 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 19 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:15 PM - 06:20 PM 2600 2600 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2
        3 sections
        ESL 012 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 011 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 002, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 012 is a grammar based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the low intermediate ESL student. Students will further develop listening comprehension and will increase fluency, accuracy, and confidence in oral production. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20726 (ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20726
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20726 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 31 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3200 3200 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
        • CRN 20727 (ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20727
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20727 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 30 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 3200 3200 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
        • CRN 20729 (ESL 012 - Speaking & Listening for ESL 2)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20729
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20729 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 28 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 2700 2735 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1
        1 section
        ESL 051 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001 and ESL 011
        ESL 051 is a short-term intensive pronunciation course designed for students whose main interest is to focus and improve on the articulation of English vowels and consonants, and on the development of basic English patterns of stress and intonation. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20767 (ESL 051 - Pronunciation 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20767
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20767 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 28 33 -5 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 11:25 AM 800 810 Mar 24, 2014 May 07, 2014
  • Fall 2013
    6 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      6 sections
      • ESL 010 - ESL Language Laboratory
        1 section
        ESL 010 Course Description:
        ESL 010 is a self-paced course which provides individualized, interactive conversational English practice with appropriate software programs in the language laboratory. Students practice listening comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence development through interactive activities appropriate to their proficiency level. This course is a recommended supplement for any level of ESL. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10467 (ESL 010 - ESL Language Laboratory)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10467
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10467 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 19 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:15 PM - 06:20 PM 2600 2600 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL
        3 sections
        ESL 011 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Courses: ESL 001, ESL 041, ESL 042, ESL 051, ESL 052
        ESL 011 is a grammar-based speaking class in an English-only Environment for the beginning or false-beginning ESL student. Listening comprehension and speaking skills will be developed through basic dialogues, modeled tasks, and communicative activities. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10468 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10468
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10468 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 22 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 200 213 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
        • CRN 10469 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10469
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10469 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 26 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 200 213 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
        • CRN 10472 (ESL 011 - Speaking & Listening for ESL)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10472
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10472 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 30 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 2700 2735 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • ESL 023 - ESL Reading 1
        1 section
        ESL 023 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: Appropriate placement.
        This course is designed to assist intermediate level ESL students in developing reading skills and reading efficiency in English. Focus will be placed on understanding text structure and overall comprehension of a variety of texts. Further development of reading skills will also be emphasized. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10497 (ESL 023 - ESL Reading 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10497
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10497 3.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 29 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 200 202 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • ESL 031 - Verb Review 1
        1 section
        ESL 031 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ESL 001
        This course is designed to review and reinforce proper use of the verbs "to be" and "to have", and the simple present and present progressive verb forms. It is a recommended supplement for students in Beginning and Low Intermediate ESL courses. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10511 (ESL 031 - Verb Review 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10511
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10511 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 30 29 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:05 PM - 06:20 PM 2700 2727 Aug 19, 2013 Sep 30, 2013
  • Summer 2013
    1 section
    • English as a Second Language
      1 section
      • ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5
        1 section
        ESL 005 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 004 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 015
        ESL 005 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the advanced ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar and writing sentences and paragraphs in a variety of rhetorical modes. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 30096 (ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 30096
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 30096 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 20 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 11:15 AM 200 213 Jun 24, 2013 Aug 01, 2013
  • Spring 2013
    6 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      6 sections
      • ESL 001 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 1
        1 section
        ESL 001 Course Description:
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 011
        ESL 001 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the beginning or false beginning ESL student. The course will cover grammar and simple sentence writing. (Formerly ENGL 091) (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20434 (ESL 001 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 1)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20434
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20434 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 22 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM 2700 2726 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5
        2 sections
        ESL 005 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 004 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 015
        ESL 005 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the advanced ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar and writing sentences and paragraphs in a variety of rhetorical modes. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20499 (ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20499
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20499 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 25 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 500 516 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
        • CRN 20502 (ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20502
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20502 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 23 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 07:30 AM - 10:00 AM 200 201 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • ESL 010 - ESL Language Laboratory
        2 sections
        ESL 010 Course Description:
        ESL 010 is a self-paced course which provides individualized, interactive conversational English practice with appropriate software programs in the language laboratory. Students practice listening comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation , and sentence development through interactive activities appropriate to their proficiency level. This course is a recommended supplement for any level of ESL. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20517 (ESL 010 - ESL Language Laboratory)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20517
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20517 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 23 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:25 PM - 06:20 PM 2600 2600 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
        • CRN 20568 (ESL 010 - ESL Language Laboratory)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20568
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20568 1.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 26 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 11:00 AM - 11:55 AM 2600 2600 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • ESL 025 - ESL Reading 3
        1 section
        ESL 025 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 024 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        This course is designed to assist advanced ESL students in further developing reading skills and reading efficiency in English. Focus will be placed understanding text understanding text structure and overall comprehension of a variety of texts. Further development of reading skills will also be emphasized. Participation in instructor reading lab activities is a required part of the course. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 20679 (ESL 025 - ESL Reading 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20679
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20679 3.50 Scheuerell, Edward 30 26 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2700 2722 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
  • Fall 2012
    7 sections
    • English as a Second Language
      7 sections
      • ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5
        2 sections
        ESL 005 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ESL 004 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        Recommended Companion Course: ESL 015
        ESL 005 is a grammar class in an English-only environment designed for the advanced ESL student. The course will emphasize grammar and writing sentences and paragraphs in a variety of rhetorical modes. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10202 (ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10202
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10202 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 26 -1 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:00 AM - 10:30 AM 3200 3200 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10204 (ESL 005 - Grammar and Comp for ESL 5)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10204
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10204 5.00 Scheuerell, Edward 25 27 -2 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 12:30 PM - 03:00 PM 3200 3200 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
      • ESL 025 - ESL Reading 3
        5 sections
        ESL 025 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ESL 024 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement.
        This course is designed to assist advanced ESL students in further developing reading skills and reading efficiency in English. Focus will be placed understanding text understanding text structure and overall comprehension of a variety of texts. Further development of reading skills will also be emphasized. Participation in instructor reading lab activities is a required part of the course. (Nontransferable, nondegree applicable)
        • CRN 10258 (ESL 025 - ESL Reading 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10258
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10258 3.50 Scheuerell, Edward 30 28 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:15 AM - 11:25 AM 2700 2725 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 2600 2600 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10259 (ESL 025 - ESL Reading 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10259
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10259 3.50 Scheuerell, Edward 30 23 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 12:00 PM - 03:10 PM 2700 2725 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 2600 2600 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10260 (ESL 025 - ESL Reading 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10260
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10260 3.50 Scheuerell, Edward 30 21 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:15 PM - 09:25 PM 2700 2725 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 2600 2600 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10261 (ESL 025 - ESL Reading 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10261
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10261 3.50 Scheuerell, Edward 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:45 AM - 12:10 PM 3200 3200 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 2600 2600 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10262 (ESL 025 - ESL Reading 3)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10262
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10262 3.50 Scheuerell, Edward 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:45 AM - 12:10 PM 3200 3200 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 2600 2600 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012