IVC Class Formats Banner
  • Online (Asynchronous)
    • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Real-Time Online (Synchronous)
    • In a real-time online class, course meetings occur virtually on Zoom. The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors will use Canvas to disseminate grades and potentially other class content, such as documents, discussions, and announcements. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with Zoom meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    HyFlex (Synchronous)
    • In a HyFlex class, all course meetings are held face-to-face at IVC or a designated physical site, and may also be attended virtually, via Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements. High-stake assessments, such as mid-term or final will be the same exam for online or face-to-face students. Training/approvals: Canvas Basics, Zoom, Classroom Technology Tools.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    2700 2727
    Hybrid (Face-to-Face + Online)
    • In a hybrid class, course activity occurs both online and face-toface on campus; both the online and face-to-face portion are required. The face-to-face meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas and/or zoom. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with face-to-face meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    3100 3115
    Example 2:
    Building Room
    3100 3109
    Face-to-Face (On Ground)
    • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    3100 3115
  • Changes may be occurring daily for schedule data and files are subject to change.
  • Spring 2025
    12 sections
    • Child Development
      8 sections
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        2 sections
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the processes of socialization focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, and community. Examines the influence of multiple societal contexts. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s development from birth through adolescence. (C-ID: CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 20377 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20377
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20377 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 206 Feb 10, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
        • CRN 20872 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20872
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20872 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 38 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 10, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20346 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20346
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20346 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 200 206 Feb 10, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
        • CRN 20347 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20347
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20347 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 10, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
        • CRN 20554 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20554
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20554 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 10, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
        • CRN 21164 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21164
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 21164 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 35 0 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Apr 07, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        2 sections
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID: ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 21066 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21066
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21066 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 16 19 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 205 Feb 10, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
        • CRN 21163 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21163
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 21163 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 35 0 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Apr 07, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
    • Psychology
      4 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20396 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20396
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20396 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 8 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 200 206 Feb 10, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
        • CRN 20397 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20397
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20397 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 9 26 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 10, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
        • CRN 20555 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20555
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20555 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 10, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
        • CRN 21250 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21250
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21250 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 0 35 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Apr 07, 2025 Jun 06, 2025
  • Fall 2024
    11 sections
    • Child Development
      8 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        1 section
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        Historical contexts and theoretical perspectives of developmentally appropriate practices in early care and education for children birth through age eight. Explores the typical roles and expectations of early childhood educators. Identifies professional ethics, career pathways, and professional standards. Introduces best practices for developmentally appropriate learning environments, curriculum, and effective pedagogy for young children, including play, how it contributes to children's learning, growth, and development. (C-ID: ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 11150 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11150
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11150 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Oct 04, 2024
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        3 sections
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the processes of socialization focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, and community. Examines the influence of multiple societal contexts. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s development from birth through adolescence. (C-ID: CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 10365 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10365
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10365 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 207 Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
        • CRN 10458 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10458
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10458 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 36 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
        • CRN 11170 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11170
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11170 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 27 8 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Oct 07, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10340 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10340
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10340 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
        • CRN 10538 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10538
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10538 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
        • CRN 11015 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11015
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11015 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 24 11 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Oct 07, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID: ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 11028 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11028
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 11028 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 39 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
    • Psychology
      3 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10388 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10388
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10388 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 6 29 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
        • CRN 10542 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10542
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10542 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
        • CRN 11016 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11016
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11016 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 13 22 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Oct 07, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
  • Summer 2024
    1 section
    • Child Development
      1 section
      • CDEV 123 - Mus & Movmt/Perf Art Yng Child
        1 section
        CDEV 123 Course Description:
        Introduction to the Performing Arts domain reflecting the concepts of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks . This course provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum strands of music, drama and dance (body movement) experiences for young children. Development of teacher skills with music instruments, drama, and motor skills and movement including familiarity with resource materials for program planning .Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers. (CSU)
        • CRN 30178 (CDEV 123 - Mus & Movmt/Perf Art Yng Child)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 30178
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 30178 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 23 12 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:00 AM - 11:25 AM 200 205 Jun 17, 2024 Jul 25, 2024
  • Spring 2024
    11 sections
    • Child Development
      8 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        1 section
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        Historical contexts and theoretical perspectives of developmentally appropriate practices in early care and education for children birth through age eight. Explores the typical roles and expectations of early childhood educators. Identifies professional ethics, career pathways, and professional standards. Introduces best practices for developmentally appropriate learning environments, curriculum, and effective pedagogy for young children, including play, how it contributes to children's learning, growth, and development. (C-ID: ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 20342 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20342
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20342 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 206 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
        1 section
        CDEV 101 Course Description:
        Introduction to the laws, regulations, standards, policies, procedures, and best practices related to health, safety, and nutrition in care and education settings for children from birth through middle childhood. This course includes the teacher's role in prevention strategies, nutrition and meal planning, integrating health, safety and nutrition experiences into the daily routines, and overall risk management to ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff. (C-ID: ECE 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 20646 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20646
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20646 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 35 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 206 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        2 sections
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the processes of socialization focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, and community. Examines the influence of multiple societal contexts. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s development from birth through adolescence. (C-ID: CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 20377 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20377
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20377 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 206 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
        • CRN 20872 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20872
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20872 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 39 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20346 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20346
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20346 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 23 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 200 206 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
        • CRN 20347 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20347
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20347 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 26 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
        • CRN 20554 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20554
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20554 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID: ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 21066 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21066
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21066 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 212 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
    • Psychology
      3 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20396 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20396
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20396 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 9 26 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 200 206 Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
        • CRN 20397 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20397
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20397 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 10 25 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
        • CRN 20555 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20555
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20555 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 9 26 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
  • Fall 2023
    13 sections
    • Child Development
      8 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        1 section
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        Historical contexts and theoretical perspectives of developmentally appropriate practices in early care and education for children birth through age eight. Explores the typical roles and expectations of early childhood educators. Identifies professional ethics, career pathways, and professional standards. Introduces best practices for developmentally appropriate learning environments, curriculum, and effective pedagogy for young children, including play, how it contributes to children's learning, growth, and development. (C-ID: ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 10337 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10337
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10337 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 207 Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        1 section
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the processes of socialization focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, and community. Examines the influence of multiple societal contexts. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s development from birth through adolescence. (C-ID: CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 10365 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10365
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10365 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 207 Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        5 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10339 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10339
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10339 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 207 Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
        • CRN 10340 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10340
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10340 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
        • CRN 10538 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10538
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10538 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 20 15 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
        • CRN 10572 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10572
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10572 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
        • CRN 11015 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11015
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11015 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 18 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID: ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 10537 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10537
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10537 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks Zero Text Book Cost
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 207 Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
    • Psychology
      5 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        5 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10387 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10387
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10387 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 10 25 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 207 Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
        • CRN 10388 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10388
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10388 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
        • CRN 10542 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10542
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10542 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 15 20 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
        • CRN 10573 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10573
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10573 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 10 25 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
        • CRN 11016 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11016
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11016 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 17 18 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
  • Spring 2023
    8 sections
    • Child Development
      5 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        2 sections
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        Historical contexts and theoretical perspectives of developmentally appropriate practices in early care and education for children birth through age eight. Explores the typical roles and expectations of early childhood educators. Identifies professional ethics, career pathways, and professional standards. Introduces best practices for developmentally appropriate learning environments, curriculum, and effective pedagogy for young children, including play, how it contributes to children's learning, growth, and development. (C-ID: ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 20342 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20342
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20342 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 206 Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
        • CRN 20348 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20348
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20348 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20346 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20346
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20346 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 23 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 200 205 Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
        • CRN 20347 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20347
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20347 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 18 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
        • CRN 20554 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20554
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20554 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 26 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
    • Psychology
      3 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20396 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20396
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20396 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 200 205 Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
        • CRN 20397 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20397
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20397 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
        • CRN 20555 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20555
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20555 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 10 25 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
  • Fall 2022
    11 sections
    • Child Development
      6 sections
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        5 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10339 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10339
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10339 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 16 19 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 400 411 Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
        • CRN 10340 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10340
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10340 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
        • CRN 10538 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10538
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10538 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
        • CRN 10572 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10572
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10572 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
        • CRN 11015 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11015
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11015 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID: ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 10537 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10537
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10537 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 34 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 2700 2723 Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
    • Psychology
      5 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        5 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains, and identifies developmental milestones for children, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Based on developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID: CDEV 100) (CSU, UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10387 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10387
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10387 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 15 20 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 400 411 Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
        • CRN 10388 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10388
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10388 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 6 29 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
        • CRN 10542 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10542
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10542 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 7 28 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
        • CRN 10573 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10573
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10573 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 15 20 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
        • CRN 11016 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11016
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11016 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 11 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
  • Spring 2022
    10 sections
    • Child Development
      6 sections
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20346 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20346
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20346 3.00 Sheppard, David 60 31 29 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
        • CRN 20347 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20347
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20347 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 21 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
        • CRN 20554 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20554
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20554 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 18 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
        • CRN 20906 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20906
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20906 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 20 15 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 2700 2734 Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
      • CDEV 106 - Observation and Assessment
        2 sections
        CDEV 106 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: CDEV 104 with a grade of "C" or better.
        This course focuses on the appropriate use of assessment and observation strategies to document development, growth, play and learning in order to join with families and professionals in promoting children's success and maintaining quality programs. Recording strategies, rating systems, portfolios, and multiple assessment methods are explored, along with strategies for collaboration with families and professionals. (C-ID ECE 200) (CSU)
        • CRN 20663 (CDEV 106 - Observation and Assessment)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20663
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20663 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
        • CRN 20871 (CDEV 106 - Observation and Assessment)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20871
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20871 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 21 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
    • Psychology
      4 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20396 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20396
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20396 3.00 Sheppard, David 60 16 44 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
        • CRN 20397 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20397
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20397 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 10 25 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
        • CRN 20555 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20555
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20555 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
        • CRN 20907 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20907
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20907 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 13 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 2700 2734 Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
  • Fall 2021
    10 sections
    • Child Development
      6 sections
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        1 section
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s’ development. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 10368 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10368
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10368 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10342 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a hyflex class, all course meetings are held face-to-face at IVC or a designated physical site, and may also be attended virtually, via Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements. High-stake assessments, such as mid-term or final will be the same exam for online or face-to-face students.

          Details for Course 10342
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10342 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 09:00 AM - 12:10 PM HYFLEX Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 09:00 AM - 12:10 PM 400 402 Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
        • CRN 10343 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10343
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10343 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 23 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
        • CRN 10543 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10543
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10543 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 17 18 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
        • CRN 10577 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10577
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10577 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 21 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
      • CDEV 106 - Observation and Assessment
        1 section
        CDEV 106 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: CDEV 104 with a grade of "C" or better.
        This course focuses on the appropriate use of assessment and observation strategies to document development, growth, play and learning in order to join with families and professionals in promoting children's success and maintaining quality programs. Recording strategies, rating systems, portfolios, and multiple assessment methods are explored, along with strategies for collaboration with families and professionals. (C-ID ECE 200) (CSU)
        • CRN 10345 (CDEV 106 - Observation and Assessment)
          • In a real-time online class, course meetings occur virtually on Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors will use Canvas to disseminate grades and potentially other class content, such as documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10345
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10345 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 41 -6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 06:00 PM - 09:10 PM RT-ONL Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
    • Psychology
      4 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10390 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a hyflex class, all course meetings are held face-to-face at IVC or a designated physical site, and may also be attended virtually, via Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements. High-stake assessments, such as mid-term or final will be the same exam for online or face-to-face students.

          Details for Course 10390
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10390 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 11 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 09:00 AM - 12:10 PM HYFLEX Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 09:00 AM - 12:10 PM 400 402 Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
        • CRN 10391 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10391
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10391 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 10 25 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
        • CRN 10547 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10547
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10547 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 21 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
        • CRN 10578 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10578
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10578 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
  • Spring 2021
    8 sections
    • Child Development
      5 sections
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        2 sections
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s’ development. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 20706 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20706
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20706 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
        • CRN 21681 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21681
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21681 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 26 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20660 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20660
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20660 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
        • CRN 20661 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20661
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20661 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
        • CRN 21134 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21134
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21134 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 21 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
    • Psychology
      3 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20768 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20768
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20768 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 5 30 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
        • CRN 20769 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20769
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20769 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 16 19 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
        • CRN 21135 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21135
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21135 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
  • Fall 2020
    12 sections
    • Child Development
      7 sections
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        2 sections
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s’ development. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 10710 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10710
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10710 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 37 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 10966 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10966
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10966 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 38 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        5 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10664 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10664
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10664 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 26 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 10665 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10665
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10665 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 23 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 11165 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11165
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11165 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 11297 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11297
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11297 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 11844 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11844
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11844 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 22 13 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
    • Psychology
      5 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        5 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10773 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10773
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10773 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 11 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 10774 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10774
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10774 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 11 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 11188 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11188
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11188 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 8 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 11298 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11298
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11298 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 8 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
        • CRN 11843 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11843
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11843 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 13 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
  • Spring 2020
    11 sections
    • Child Development
      8 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        1 section
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, career pathways, ethics and professional standards. (C-ID ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 20656 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20656
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20656 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 26 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
        1 section
        CDEV 101 Course Description:
        Introduction the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into every day planning and program development for all children. (C-ID ECE 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 21395 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21395
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21395 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        1 section
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s’ development. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 20706 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20706
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20706 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20660 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20660
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20660 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 20 15 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 200 202 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
        • CRN 20661 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20661
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20661 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 18 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
        • CRN 21134 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21134
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21134 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • CDEV 105 - Introduction to Curriculum
        1 section
        CDEV 105 Course Description:
        This course presents an overview of knowledge and skills related to providing appropriate curriculum and environments for young children. Students will examine teacher's role in supporting development and learning for all young children using observation and assessment strategies emphasizing the essential role of play. Emphasizes the teacher’s role in supporting development and learning across the curriculum, including all content areas. (C-ID ECE 130) (CSU)
        • CRN 21524 (CDEV 105 - Introduction to Curriculum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21524
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21524 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • CDEV 123 - Mus & Movmt/Perf Art Yng Child
        1 section
        CDEV 123 Course Description:
        Introduction to the Performing Arts domain reflecting the concepts of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks . This course provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum strands of music, drama and dance (body movement) experiences for young children. Development of teacher skills with music instruments, drama, and motor skills and movement including familiarity with resource materials for program planning .Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, pre-school, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers. (CSU)
        • CRN 21525 (CDEV 123 - Mus & Movmt/Perf Art Yng Child)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21525
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21525 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:05 PM 200 202 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
    • Psychology
      3 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20768 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20768
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20768 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 9 26 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 200 202 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
        • CRN 20769 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20769
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20769 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 8 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
        • CRN 21135 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21135
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21135 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 8 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
  • Fall 2019
    10 sections
    • Child Development
      6 sections
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        2 sections
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s’ development. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 10710 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10710
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10710 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 39 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 10966 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10966
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10966 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 40 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:40 PM - 04:05 PM 400 403 Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10664 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10664
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10664 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 10665 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10665
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10665 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 11165 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11165
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11165 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 31 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 11297 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11297
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11297 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
    • Psychology
      4 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10773 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10773
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10773 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 10774 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10774
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10774 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 8 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 11188 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11188
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11188 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 11 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
        • CRN 11298 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11298
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11298 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 13 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
  • Spring 2019
    11 sections
    • Child Development
      8 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        2 sections
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, career pathways, ethics and professional standards. (C-ID ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 20656 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20656
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20656 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
        • CRN 20662 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20662
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20662 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 35 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
        1 section
        CDEV 101 Course Description:
        Introduction the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into every day planning and program development for all children. (C-ID ECE 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 21395 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21395
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 21395 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 40 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        1 section
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s’ development. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 20706 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20706
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20706 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 37 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20660 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20660
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20660 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 200 202 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
        • CRN 20661 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20661
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20661 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
        • CRN 21134 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21134
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21134 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 21 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • CDEV 105 - Introduction to Curriculum
        1 section
        CDEV 105 Course Description:
        This course presents an overview of knowledge and skills related to providing appropriate curriculum and environments for young children. Students will examine teacher's role in supporting development and learning for all young children using observation and assessment strategies emphasizing the essential role of play. Emphasizes the teacher’s role in supporting development and learning across the curriculum, including all content areas. (C-ID ECE 130) (CSU)
        • CRN 20658 (CDEV 105 - Introduction to Curriculum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20658
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20658 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 36 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:20 PM - 05:45 PM 200 202 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
    • Psychology
      3 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20768 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20768
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20768 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 7 28 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:25 PM 200 202 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
        • CRN 20769 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20769
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20769 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
        • CRN 21135 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21135
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21135 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
  • Fall 2018
    12 sections
    • Child Development
      8 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        1 section
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, career pathways, ethics and professional standards. (C-ID ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 10660 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10660
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10660 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 37 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        2 sections
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s’ development. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 10710 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10710
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10710 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 37 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 10966 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10966
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10966 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 39 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:00 PM - 09:10 PM 400 403 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10664 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10664
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10664 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 10665 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10665
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10665 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 23 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 11165 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11165
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11165 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 11297 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11297
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11297 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
      • CDEV 105 - Introduction to Curriculum
        1 section
        CDEV 105 Course Description:
        This course presents an overview of knowledge and skills related to providing appropriate curriculum and environments for young children. Students will examine teacher's role in supporting development and learning for all young children using observation and assessment strategies emphasizing the essential role of play. Emphasizes the teacher’s role in supporting development and learning across the curriculum, including all content areas. (C-ID ECE 130) (CSU)
        • CRN 10662 (CDEV 105 - Introduction to Curriculum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10662
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10662 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 37 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:20 PM - 05:45 PM 200 202 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
    • Psychology
      4 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10773 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10773
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10773 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 8 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 10774 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10774
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10774 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 11188 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11188
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11188 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 18 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
        • CRN 11298 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11298
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11298 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 16 19 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
  • Spring 2018
    9 sections
    • Child Development
      6 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        2 sections
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics and professional identity. (C-ID ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 20656 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20656
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20656 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 40 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
        • CRN 20662 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20662
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20662 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 36 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        1 section
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 20706 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20706
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20706 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 41 -6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20660 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20660
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20660 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 202 Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
        • CRN 20661 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20661
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20661 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
        • CRN 21134 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21134
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21134 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
    • Psychology
      3 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20768 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20768
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20768 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 13 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 202 Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
        • CRN 20769 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20769
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20769 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 11 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
        • CRN 21135 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21135
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21135 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 10 25 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
  • Fall 2017
    12 sections
    • Child Development
      8 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        1 section
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics and professional identity. (C-ID ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 10660 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10660
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10660 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 41 -6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
      • CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
        1 section
        CDEV 101 Course Description:
        Introduction the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into every day planning and program development for all children. (C-ID ECE 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 10661 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10661
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10661 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 45 -10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        2 sections
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 10710 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10710
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10710 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 35 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 202 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
        • CRN 10966 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10966
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10966 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 37 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:00 AM - 09:25 AM 200 202 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10664 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10664
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10664 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 202 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
        • CRN 10665 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10665
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10665 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
        • CRN 11165 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11165
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11165 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
        • CRN 11297 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • 72

          Details for Course 11297
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11297 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
    • Psychology
      4 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10773 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10773
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10773 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 202 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
        • CRN 10774 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10774
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10774 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
        • CRN 11188 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11188
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11188 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 18 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
        • CRN 11298 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 11298
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11298 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 6 29 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
  • Spring 2017
    12 sections
    • Child Development
      8 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        2 sections
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics and professional identity. (C-ID ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 20656 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20656
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20656 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 41 -6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
        • CRN 20662 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20662
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20662 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 35 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:00 PM - 09:10 PM 3000 3000 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        1 section
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 20706 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20706
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20706 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 38 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 205 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20660 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20660
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20660 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 800 810 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
        • CRN 20661 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20661
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20661 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 23 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
        • CRN 21134 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21134
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21134 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
        • CRN 21185 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21185
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21185 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 20 15 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 20659 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20659
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20659 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
    • Psychology
      4 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        4 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20768 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20768
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20768 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 9 26 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 800 810 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
        • CRN 20769 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20769
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20769 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
        • CRN 21135 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21135
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21135 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
        • CRN 21186 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21186
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21186 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
  • Winter 2017
    2 sections
    • Child Development
      2 sections
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 15173 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 15173
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 15173 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 34 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:00 AM - 12:10 PM 200 202 Jan 03, 2017 Feb 03, 2017
      • CDEV 123 - Mus and Movemt for Young Child
        1 section
        CDEV 123 Course Description:
        Music, rhythm and body movement experiences for young children. Development of teacher skills with simple music instruments and familiarity with resource materials for program planning and exploration of motor skills and movement concepts. (CSU)
        • CRN 15159 (CDEV 123 - Mus and Movemt for Young Child)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 15159
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 15159 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 35 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 02:20 PM 200 202 Jan 03, 2017 Feb 03, 2017
  • Fall 2016
    9 sections
    • Child Development
      7 sections
      • CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch
        1 section
        CDEV 100 Course Description:
        An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics and professional identity. (C-ID ECE 120) (CSU)
        • CRN 10660 (CDEV 100 - Princ & Pract of Tching Yng Ch)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10660
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10660 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 39 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
      • CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
        2 sections
        CDEV 101 Course Description:
        Introduction the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into every day planning and program development for all children. (C-ID ECE 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 10661 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10661
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10661 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 45 -10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:40 AM - 11:05 AM 200 202 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
        • CRN 11057 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11057
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 11057 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 37 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:00 PM - 09:10 PM 200 202 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        2 sections
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 10710 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10710
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10710 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 31 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 202 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
        • CRN 10966 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10966
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10966 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 39 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:00 AM - 11:10 AM 200 202 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10664 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10664
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10664 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 34 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 205 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
        • CRN 10665 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10665
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10665 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
          Meeting Type:Orientation 05:00 PM - 05:50 PM 200 201 Aug 16, 2016 Aug 16, 2016
          Meeting Type:Mid-Term 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM 200 202 Oct 08, 2016 Oct 08, 2016
          Meeting Type:Final Exam 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM 200 202 Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016
    • Psychology
      2 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10773 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10773
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10773 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 11 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 205 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
        • CRN 10774 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10774
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10774 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 17 18 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
          Meeting Type:Orientation 05:00 PM - 05:50 PM 200 201 Aug 16, 2016 Aug 16, 2016
          Meeting Type:Mid-Term 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM 200 202 Oct 08, 2016 Oct 08, 2016
          Meeting Type:Final Exam 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM 200 202 Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016
  • Spring 2016
    8 sections
    • Child Development
      6 sections
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        2 sections
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 20706 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20706
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20706 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 34 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 201 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
        • CRN 20810 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20810
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20810 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 34 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:00 AM - 09:25 AM 200 202 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20660 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20660
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20660 3.00 Sheppard, David 105 47 58 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 2100 2131 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
        • CRN 20661 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20661
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20661 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 20659 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20659
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20659 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 34 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
      • CDEV 123 - Mus and Movemt for Young Child
        1 section
        CDEV 123 Course Description:
        Music, rhythm and body movement experiences for young children. Development of teacher skills with simple music instruments and familiarity with resource materials for program planning and exploration of motor skills and movement concepts. (CSU)
        • CRN 20811 (CDEV 123 - Mus and Movemt for Young Child)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20811
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20811 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:00 PM - 07:05 PM 200 202 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
    • Psychology
      2 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20768 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20768
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20768 3.00 Sheppard, David 105 44 61 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 2100 2131 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
        • CRN 20769 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20769
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20769 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 18 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
  • Winter 2016
    1 section
    • Child Development
      1 section
      • CDEV 125 - Mltilin/Mlticul Cur Young Chld
        1 section
        CDEV 125 Course Description:
        General introduction to life styles, values, and socioeconomic conditions of children from multilingual and multicultural families with special emphasis on ways in which these factors affect the teaching and learning process. Students are introduced to strategies, materials and resources designed to help them enhance the multilingual and multicultural experience of the children. (CSU)
        • CRN 15119 (CDEV 125 - Mltilin/Mlticul Cur Young Chld)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 15119
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 15119 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 36 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:00 AM - 12:10 PM 200 202 Jan 05, 2016 Feb 05, 2016
  • Fall 2015
    7 sections
    • Child Development
      5 sections
      • CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community
        1 section
        CDEV 103 Course Description:
        An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families. (C-ID CDEV 110) (CSU)
        • CRN 10710 (CDEV 103 - Child, Family and Community)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10710
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10710 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 41 -6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 200 202 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10664 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10664
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10664 3.00 Sheppard, David 105 75 30 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 2100 2131 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
        • CRN 10665 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10665
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10665 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
          Meeting Type:Orientation 05:00 PM - 05:50 PM 200 201 Aug 18, 2015 Aug 18, 2015
          Meeting Type:Mid-Term 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM 200 202 Oct 10, 2015 Oct 10, 2015
          Meeting Type:Final Exam 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM 200 202 Dec 05, 2015 Dec 05, 2015
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        2 sections
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 10663 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10663
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10663 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM 200 202 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
        • CRN 10669 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10669
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10669 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:00 PM - 09:10 PM 200 202 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
    • Psychology
      2 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10773 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10773
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10773 3.00 Sheppard, David 105 23 82 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 03:25 PM 2100 2131 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
        • CRN 10774 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10774
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10774 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
          Meeting Type:Orientation 05:00 PM - 05:50 PM 200 201 Aug 18, 2015 Aug 18, 2015
          Meeting Type:Mid-Term 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM 200 202 Oct 10, 2015 Oct 10, 2015
          Meeting Type:Final Exam 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM 200 202 Dec 05, 2015 Dec 05, 2015
  • Spring 2015
    8 sections
    • Child Development
      6 sections
      • CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
        2 sections
        CDEV 101 Course Description:
        Introduction the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into every day planning and program development for all children. (C-ID ECE 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 20057 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20057
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20057 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 200 202 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
        • CRN 20859 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20859
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20859 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 37 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 11:40 AM 400 403 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20056 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20056
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20056 3.00 Sheppard, David 70 38 32 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2100 2131 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
        • CRN 20060 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20060
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20060 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 18 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
      • CDEV 123 - Mus and Movemt for Young Child
        1 section
        CDEV 123 Course Description:
        Music, rhythm and body movement experiences for young children. Development of teacher skills with simple music instruments and familiarity with resource materials for program planning and exploration of motor skills and movement concepts. (CSU)
        • CRN 20059 (CDEV 123 - Mus and Movemt for Young Child)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20059
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20059 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 08:35 PM 200 202 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
      • CDEV 141 - Children with Challenging Beh
        1 section
        CDEV 141 Course Description:
        Effective strategies for working with children who have challenging behaviors in the early childhood classroom environment. Emphasis on teacher's role in working with parents and supporting children through emotional difficulties. (CSU)
        • CRN 20860 (CDEV 141 - Children with Challenging Beh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20860
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20860 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 03:35 PM 200 202 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
    • Psychology
      2 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20876 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20876
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20876 3.00 Sheppard, David 70 29 41 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2100 2131 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
        • CRN 20877 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20877
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20877 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 17 18 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
  • Fall 2014
    7 sections
    • Child Development
      5 sections
      • CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
        2 sections
        CDEV 101 Course Description:
        Introduction the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into every day planning and program development for all children. (C-ID ECE 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 10290 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10290
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10290 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 35 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:35 AM - 10:00 AM 200 202 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
        • CRN 10291 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10291
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10291 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 200 202 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10294 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10294
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10294 3.00 Sheppard, David 70 38 32 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2100 2131 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
        • CRN 10295 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10295
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10295 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 23 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 10298 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10298
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10298 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 31 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 11:40 AM 400 413 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
    • Psychology
      2 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10904 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10904
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10904 3.00 Sheppard, David 70 22 48 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2100 2131 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
        • CRN 10905 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10905
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10905 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 15 20 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
  • Summer 2014
    1 section
    • Child Development
      1 section
      • CDEV 140 - Child Abuse
        1 section
        CDEV 140 Course Description:
        A study of abused, battered, and neglected children. Identification and prevention of abused children and of abusers. Mandated reporting responsibilities. (CSU)
        • CRN 30072 (CDEV 140 - Child Abuse)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 30072
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 30072 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 23 12 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 200 202 Jun 16, 2014 Jul 23, 2014
  • Spring 2014
    7 sections
    • Child Development
      6 sections
      • CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
        2 sections
        CDEV 101 Course Description:
        Introduction the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into every day planning and program development for all children. (C-ID ECE 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 20379 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20379
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20379 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 34 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:35 AM - 10:00 AM 200 202 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
        • CRN 20380 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20380
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20380 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 36 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 200 202 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        1 section
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20384 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20384
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20384 3.00 Sheppard, David 105 79 26 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2100 2131 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 20386 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20386
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20386 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 38 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 200 202 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • CDEV 122 - Sci and Math for Young Chldrn
        1 section
        CDEV 122 Course Description:
        Developing a science curriculum aimed at introducing the young child to physical science, simple chemistry and biological science concepts. Developing a math curriculum introducing number and math concepts. Emphasis is placed on developing an age appropriate science and math curriculum and planning a science environment that is meaningful and exciting for the young child. (CSU)
        • CRN 20387 (CDEV 122 - Sci and Math for Young Chldrn)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20387
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20387 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 36 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 11:20 AM 400 413 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • CDEV 231 - School Age Curriculum
        1 section
        CDEV 231 Course Description:
        This course instructs students in designing a school-age program that meets the needs of children based on current theory and research. Emphasis will be on creating developmentally appropriate environments, curriculum planning, behavior management, health, safety and nutrition. (This course provides preparation for employment in child development programs, and public and private School Age programs.) (CSU)
        • CRN 20389 (CDEV 231 - School Age Curriculum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20389
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20389 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:50 AM - 01:15 PM 200 202 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
    • Psychology
      1 section
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        1 section
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20928 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20928
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20928 3.00 Sheppard, David 105 24 81 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2100 2131 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
  • Fall 2013
    7 sections
    • Child Development
      6 sections
      • CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
        2 sections
        CDEV 101 Course Description:
        Introduction the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into every day planning and program development for all children. (C-ID ECE 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 10255 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10255
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10255 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 37 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:50 AM - 01:15 PM 200 202 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
        • CRN 10256 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10256
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10256 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 35 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 200 202 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        1 section
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (C-ID CDEV 100) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10261 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10261
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10261 3.00 Sheppard, David 70 50 20 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2100 2131 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID ECE 230) (CSU)
        • CRN 10265 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10265
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10265 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 04:40 PM 200 202 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • CDEV 123 - Mus and Movemt for Young Child
        1 section
        CDEV 123 Course Description:
        Music, rhythm and body movement experiences for young children. Development of teacher skills with simple music instruments and familiarity with resource materials for program planning and exploration of motor skills and movement concepts. (CSU)
        • CRN 10266 (CDEV 123 - Mus and Movemt for Young Child)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10266
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10266 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 34 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 09:00 AM - 10:05 AM 200 202 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • CDEV 230 - School Age Child Development
        1 section
        CDEV 230 Course Description:
        A study of the developmental characteristics of the School Age child from ages five to twelve, covering physical, cognitive, social and personality development. Developmental theories will be discussed, and the influences on the basic process will be explored. This course provides preparation for employment in child development programs, and public and private School Age programs. (CSU)
        • CRN 10269 (CDEV 230 - School Age Child Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10269
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10269 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 31 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 11:40 AM 400 413 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
    • Psychology
      1 section
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        1 section
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10948 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10948
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10948 3.00 Sheppard, David 70 21 49 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 2100 2131 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
  • Summer 2013
    1 section
    • Child Development
      1 section
      • CDEV 121 - Art for Young Children
        1 section
        CDEV 121 Course Description:
        Develop aesthetic and perceptual awareness in the toddler and preschool child through exploration of various process-oriented art media, activities, and experiences. Emphasis is placed on the development of age appropriate art curriculum activities, basic teaching skills, guidance techniques, equipment and materials. (CSU)
        • CRN 30015 (CDEV 121 - Art for Young Children)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 30015
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 30015 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM 200 202 May 20, 2013 Jun 20, 2013
  • Spring 2013
    9 sections
    • Child Development
      7 sections
      • CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition
        1 section
        CDEV 101 Course Description:
        Introduction the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into every day planning and program development for all children. (CSU)
        • CRN 20302 (CDEV 101 - Health, Safety and Nutrition)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20302
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20302 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 200 201 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20304 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20304
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20304 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:35 AM - 10:00 AM 200 201 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
        • CRN 20305 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20305
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20305 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 200 201 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • CDEV 106 - Observation and Assessment
        1 section
        CDEV 106 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: CDEV 104 with a grade of "C" or better.
        This course focuses on the appropriate use of assessment and observation strategies to document development, growth, play and learning in order to join with families and professionals in promoting children's success and maintaining quality programs. Recording strategies, rating systems, portfolios, and multiple assessment methods are explored. (C-ID ECE 200) (CSU)
        • CRN 20306 (CDEV 106 - Observation and Assessment)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20306
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20306 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 200 201 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (CSU)
        • CRN 20308 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20308
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20308 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 31 4 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 11:40 AM 200 211 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • CDEV 140 - Child Abuse
        1 section
        CDEV 140 Course Description:
        A study of abused, battered, and neglected children. Identification and prevention of abused children and of abusers. Mandated reporting responsibilities. (CSU)
        • CRN 20395 (CDEV 140 - Child Abuse)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20395
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20395 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 34 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM 200 211 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • CDEV 221 - Infant Toddler Curriculum
        1 section
        CDEV 221 Course Description:
        This course will prepare students to develop and implement an infant and/or toddler curriculum including the design of a developmentally appropriate learning environment. It will examine the methods currently in practice and study teacher competencies necessary for working with infants/toddlers. Students must put in 5 Hrs. Lab TBA for the semester. (CSU)
        • CRN 20400 (CDEV 221 - Infant Toddler Curriculum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20400
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20400 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:00 PM - 06:10 PM 200 201 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
    • Psychology
      2 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        2 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20309 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20309
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20309 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 13 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:35 AM - 10:00 AM 200 201 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
        • CRN 20311 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20311
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20311 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 200 201 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
  • Fall 2012
    9 sections
    • Child Development
      6 sections
      • CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        CDEV 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as PSY 104) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10475 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10475
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10475 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 21 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 200 201 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10476 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10476
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10476 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:00 PM - 06:10 PM 200 201 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10978 (CDEV 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10978
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10978 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:50 AM - 01:15 PM 200 201 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
      • CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society
        1 section
        CDEV 107 Course Description:
        Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (CSU)
        • CRN 10480 (CDEV 107 - Teaching in a Diverse Society)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10480
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10480 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 08:35 AM - 10:00 AM 200 201 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
      • CDEV 122 - Sci and Math for Young Chldrn
        1 section
        CDEV 122 Course Description:
        Developing a science curriculum aimed at introducing the young child to physical science, simple chemistry and biological science concepts. Developing a math curriculum introducing number and math concepts. Emphasis is placed on developing an age appropriate science and math curriculum and planning a science environment that is meaningful and exciting for the young child. (CSU)
        • CRN 10482 (CDEV 122 - Sci and Math for Young Chldrn)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10482
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10482 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 34 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:05 PM - 05:05 PM 200 201 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
      • CDEV 123 - Mus and Movemt for Young Child
        1 section
        CDEV 123 Course Description:
        Music, rhythm and body movement experiences for young children. Development of teacher skills with simple music instruments and familiarity with resource materials for program planning and exploration of motor skills and movement concepts. (CSU)
        • CRN 10484 (CDEV 123 - Mus and Movemt for Young Child)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10484
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10484 2.00 Sheppard, David 35 35 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM 200 201 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
    • Psychology
      3 sections
      • PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development
        3 sections
        PSY 104 Course Description:
        This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (Same as CDEV 104) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10725 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10725
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10725 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 8 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 11:50 AM - 01:15 PM 200 201 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10979 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10979
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10979 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 13 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 02:55 PM 200 201 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10980 (PSY 104 - Child Growth and Development)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10980
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10980 3.00 Sheppard, David 35 8 27 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 03:00 PM - 06:10 PM 200 201 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012