IVC Class Formats Banner
  • Online (Asynchronous)
    • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Real-Time Online (Synchronous)
    • In a real-time online class, course meetings occur virtually on Zoom. The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors will use Canvas to disseminate grades and potentially other class content, such as documents, discussions, and announcements. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with Zoom meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    HyFlex (Synchronous)
    • In a HyFlex class, all course meetings are held face-to-face at IVC or a designated physical site, and may also be attended virtually, via Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements. High-stake assessments, such as mid-term or final will be the same exam for online or face-to-face students. Training/approvals: Canvas Basics, Zoom, Classroom Technology Tools.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    2700 2727
    Hybrid (Face-to-Face + Online)
    • In a hybrid class, course activity occurs both online and face-toface on campus; both the online and face-to-face portion are required. The face-to-face meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas and/or zoom. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with face-to-face meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    3100 3115
    Example 2:
    Building Room
    3100 3109
    Face-to-Face (On Ground)
    • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    3100 3115
  • Changes may be occurring daily for schedule data and files are subject to change.
  • Fall 2024
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 10939 (ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10939
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10939 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 38 32 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (C-ID: ADS 140 X) (CSU)
        • CRN 10940 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10940
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10940 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 47 23 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 10254 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10254
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10254 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 26 9 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
      • ADS 235 - Case Mngmnt and Documentation
        1 section
        ADS 235 Course Description:
        This course reviews the principles and practice of case management in addiction treatment including the processes of intake, screening, assessment, treatment planning, referral, and documentation. Professional and ethical codes of conduct and behavior are also reviewed and emphasized. The course will examine several models of addiction counseling and theoretical rationale of each. The course emphasizes therapeutic trials needed by a counselor working with the chemically addicted population. (C-ID: ADS 170 X) (CSU)
        • CRN 10941 (ADS 235 - Case Mngmnt and Documentation)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10941
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10941 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 47 23 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
      • ADS 251 - Co-Occurring Disorders
        1 section
        ADS 251 Course Description:
        This course will introduce students to co-occurring disorders and treatment needs of those who have a psychiatric or mental health disorder in combination with a substance abuse disorder. Students will learn to identify, examine, screen and gain knowledge in assessment tools to evaluate the presence and severity of co-occurring disorders. This course also explores the treatment of persons with co-occurring disorders. Strategies for risk management associated with treating individual modalities with co-occurring disorders are presented. (C-ID: ADS 190 X) (CSU)
        • CRN 10942 (ADS 251 - Co-Occurring Disorders)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10942
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10942 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 41 29 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
  • Spring 2024
    8 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      8 sections
      • ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 20946 (ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20946
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20946 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 26 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (C-ID: ADS 140 X) (CSU)
        • CRN 20261 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20261
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20261 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 26 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 176 Course Description:
        This one unit course is an introduction to addictive, non-substance related disorders. Issues addressed will include sex and love addiction, gambling addiction, and compulsive spending. It will provide training in the application of appropriate therapeutic models and interventions. (CSU)
        • CRN 20949 (ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20949
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20949 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Mar 15, 2024
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 20950 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20950
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20950 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Mar 18, 2024 Apr 27, 2024
      • ADS 178 - Life Skills
        1 section
        ADS 178 Course Description:
        An in-depth overview of the skills to better living for those in recovery from abuse and addiction. This course complements the curriculum for counseling students and is an enhancement for professionals. (CSU)
        • CRN 20951 (ADS 178 - Life Skills)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20951
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20951 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 24 11 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Apr 29, 2024 Jun 01, 2024
      • ADS 200 - Family Dynamics of Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 200 Course Description:
        A course designed to present basic ideas and theories about family dynamics, particularly as they apply to the family of the substance abuser, and to explore strategies for counseling the client's family. The approach is highly experiential in format and students will participate in exercises frequently to incorporate new skills and theory. (C-ID: ADS 180X) (CSU)
        • CRN 20402 (ADS 200 - Family Dynamics of Addiction)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20402
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20402 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 20262 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20262
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20262 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 12, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ADS 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (CSU)
        • CRN 20263 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20263
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20263 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 2 33 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Feb 26, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 26, 2024 Jun 07, 2024
  • Fall 2023
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 10939 (ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10939
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10939 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 40 30 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (C-ID: ADS 140 X) (CSU)
        • CRN 10940 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10940
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10940 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 36 34 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 10254 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10254
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10254 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 10 25 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ADS 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (CSU)
        • CRN 10255 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10255
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10255 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 10 25 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
      • ADS 251 - Co-Occurring Disorders
        1 section
        ADS 251 Course Description:
        This course will introduce students to co-occurring disorders and treatment needs of those who have a psychiatric or mental health disorder in combination with a substance abuse disorder. Students will learn to identify, examine, screen and gain knowledge in assessment tools to evaluate the presence and severity of co-occurring disorders. This course also explores the treatment of persons with co-occurring disorders. Strategies for risk management associated with treating individual modalities with co-occurring disorders are presented. (C-ID: ADS 190 X) (CSU)
        • CRN 10942 (ADS 251 - Co-Occurring Disorders)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10942
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10942 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 23 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
  • Spring 2023
    7 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      7 sections
      • ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 20946 (ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20946
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20946 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 28 42 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (C-ID: ADS 140 X) (CSU)
        • CRN 20261 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20261
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20261 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 27 43 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
      • ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 176 Course Description:
        This one unit course is an introduction to addictive, non-substance related disorders. Issues addressed will include sex and love addiction, gambling addiction, and compulsive spending. It will provide training in the application of appropriate therapeutic models and interventions. (CSU)
        • CRN 20949 (ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20949
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20949 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Mar 24, 2023
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 20950 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20950
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20950 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Mar 27, 2023 May 05, 2023
      • ADS 200 - Family Dynamics of Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 200 Course Description:
        A course designed to present basic ideas and theories about family dynamics, particularly as they apply to the family of the substance abuser, and to explore strategies for counseling the client's family. The approach is highly experiential in format and students will participate in exercises frequently to incorporate new skills and theory. (C-ID: ADS 180X) (CSU)
        • CRN 20402 (ADS 200 - Family Dynamics of Addiction)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20402
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20402 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 24 46 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 20262 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20262
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20262 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 15 20 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisites: ADS 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (CSU)
        • CRN 20263 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20263
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20263 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 3 32 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 13, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
  • Fall 2022
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 10939 (ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10939
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10939 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (C-ID: ADS 140 X) (CSU)
        • CRN 10940 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10940
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10940 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 10254 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10254
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10254 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (CSU)
        • CRN 10255 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10255
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10255 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 13 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
      • ADS 251 - Co-Occurring Disorders
        1 section
        ADS 251 Course Description:
        This course will introduce students to co-occurring disorders and treatment needs of those who have a psychiatric or mental health disorder in combination with a substance abuse disorder. Students will learn to identify, examine, screen and gain knowledge in assessment tools to evaluate the presence and severity of co-occurring disorders. This course also explores the treatment of persons with co-occurring disorders. Strategies for risk management associated with treating individual modalities with co-occurring disorders are presented. (C-ID: ADS 190 X) (CSU)
        • CRN 10942 (ADS 251 - Co-Occurring Disorders)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10942
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10942 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
  • Spring 2022
    8 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      8 sections
      • ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 20260 (ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20260
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20260 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 20261 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20261
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20261 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 49 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
      • ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 176 Course Description:
        This one unit course is an introduction to addictive, non-substance related disorders. Issues addressed will include sex and love addiction, gambling addiction, and compulsive spending. It will provide training in the application of appropriate therapeutic models and interventions. (CSU)
        • CRN 20940 (ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20940
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20940 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Mar 18, 2022
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 20941 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20941
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20941 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 25 10 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Mar 21, 2022 Apr 30, 2022
      • ADS 178 - Life Skills
        1 section
        ADS 178 Course Description:
        An in-depth overview of the skills to better living for those in recovery from abuse and addiction. This course compliments the curriculum for counseling students and is an enhancement for professionals. (CSU)
        • CRN 20942 (ADS 178 - Life Skills)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20942
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20942 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 25 10 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE May 02, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
      • ADS 200 - Family Dynamics of Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 200 Course Description:
        A course designed to present basic ideas and theories about family dynamics, particularly as they apply to the family of the substance abuser, and to explore strategies for counseling the client's family. The approach is highly experiential in format and students will participate in exercises frequently to incorporate new skills and theory. (CSU)
        • CRN 20402 (ADS 200 - Family Dynamics of Addiction)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20402
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20402 3.00 Patel, Aruna 70 53 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 20262 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In an online/real-time online class, course activity occurs both asynchronously online and live on Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). Both the online and Zoom portion are required. The Zoom meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with Zoom meetings, will be posted on IVC’s syllabi site and in Canvas.

          Details for Course 20262
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20262 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:15 PM - 06:05 PM RT-ONL Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (CSU)
        • CRN 20263 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In an online/real-time online class, course activity occurs both asynchronously online and live on Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). Both the online and Zoom portion are required. The Zoom meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with Zoom meetings, will be posted on IVC’s syllabi site and in Canvas.

          Details for Course 20263
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20263 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 3 32 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:15 PM - 06:05 PM RT-ONL Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 14, 2022 Jun 10, 2022
  • Fall 2021
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 10604 (ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10604
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10604 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 10255 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 10255
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10255 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 10257 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In an online/real-time online class, course activity occurs both asynchronously online and live on Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). Both the online and Zoom portion are required. The Zoom meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with Zoom meetings, will be posted on IVC’s syllabi site and in Canvas.

          Details for Course 10257
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10257 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 13 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 01:00 PM - 01:50 PM RT-ONL Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (CSU)
        • CRN 10258 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In an online/real-time online class, course activity occurs both asynchronously online and live on Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). Both the online and Zoom portion are required. The Zoom meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with Zoom meetings, will be posted on IVC’s syllabi site and in Canvas.

          Details for Course 10258
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10258 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 7 28 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 01:00 PM - 01:50 PM RT-ONL Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
      • ADS 251 - Dual Diagnosis
        1 section
        ADS 251 Course Description:
        Successful background check will be required for registration.

        Mandatory virtual orientation will be provided by ICSO on first RT-ONL meeting.
        • CRN 10920 (ADS 251 - Dual Diagnosis)
          • In a real-time online class, course meetings occur virtually on Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors will use Canvas to disseminate grades and potentially other class content, such as documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10920
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10920 3.00 Patel, Aruna 20 14 6 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Online - Simultaneous Interact 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM RT-ONL Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
  • Spring 2021
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 20527 (ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20527
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20527 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 20528 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20528
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20528 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • ADS 200 - Family Dynamics of Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 200 Course Description:
        A course designed to present basic ideas and theories about family dynamics, particularly as they apply to the family of the substance abuser, and to explore strategies for counseling the client's family. The approach is highly experiential in format and students will participate in exercises frequently to incorporate new skills and theory. (CSU)
        • CRN 20778 (ADS 200 - Family Dynamics of Addiction)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20778
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20778 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 26 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 20538 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20538
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20538 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 16 19 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (CSU)
        • CRN 20540 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20540
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20540 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 5 30 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
  • Fall 2020
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 11359 (ADS 101 - Intro to Addiction Studies)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11359
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11359 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 10532 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10532
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10532 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
      • ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 176 Course Description:
        This one unit course is an introduction to addictive, non-substance related disorders. Issues addressed will include sex and love addiction, gambling addiction, and compulsive spending. It will provide training in the application of appropriate therapeutic models and interventions. (CSU)
        • CRN 11798 (ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11798
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11798 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 18 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Aug 24, 2020 Sep 25, 2020
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 11799 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11799
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11799 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Sep 28, 2020 Oct 30, 2020
      • ADS 178 - Life Skills
        1 section
        ADS 178 Course Description:
        An in-depth overview of the skills to better living for those in recovery from abuse and addiction. This course compliments the curriculum for counseling students and is an enhancement for professionals. (CSU)
        • CRN 11800 (ADS 178 - Life Skills)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11800
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11800 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion TBA ONLINE Nov 02, 2020 Dec 11, 2020
  • Spring 2020
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 20528 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20528
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20528 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 15 20 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM 2700 2723 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • ADS 200 - Family Dynamics of Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 200 Course Description:
        A course designed to present basic ideas and theories about family dynamics, particularly as they apply to the family of the substance abuser, and to explore strategies for counseling the client's family. The approach is highly experiential in format and students will participate in exercises frequently to incorporate new skills and theory. (CSU)
        • CRN 20778 (ADS 200 - Family Dynamics of Addiction)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20778
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20778 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 15 20 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM 400 412 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 20538 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20538
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20538 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 3 32 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 06:20 PM 400 404 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 404 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (CSU)
        • CRN 20540 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20540
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20540 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 5 30 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 06:20 PM 400 404 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 404 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
      • ADS 240 - Ethics & Lgl Stnd Addct Couns
        1 section
        ADS 240 Course Description:
        This course reviews ethical and legal standards required by the industry, state entities, or federal entities and affecting the practice of addiction prevention and addiction counseling of adults and minors. Course will address specific requirements of the judicial system, Department of Children's Protective Services, the Department of Adult Protective Services, and the Department of Mental Health. (CSU)
        • CRN 20774 (ADS 240 - Ethics & Lgl Stnd Addct Couns)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20774
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20774 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 18 17 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 400 404 Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
  • Spring 2019
    8 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 20527 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20527
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20527 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 400 404 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 20528 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20528
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20528 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM 400 404 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • ADS 210 - Crisis Intervntion & Ref Techn
        1 section
        ADS 210 Course Description:
        Techniques used for brief therapy crisis intervention, intake interviewing and referral will be studied and practiced. Special attention will be given to the process of intervention, admitting, and recording of information as it pertains to alcohol and drug abuse clients. Through an experiential format, participants will learn and practice skills in brief therapy, different levels of client communication and intake interviewing. (Same as PSY 210) (CSU)
        • CRN 21368 (ADS 210 - Crisis Intervntion & Ref Techn)
          Details for Course 21368
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 21368 3.00 Patel, Aruna 15 24 -9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM ICSO DRC Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 20538 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20538
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20538 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 06:20 PM 400 413 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 413 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS/PSY 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (Same as PSY 221) (CSU)
        • CRN 20540 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20540
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20540 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 14 21 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 06:20 PM 400 413 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 413 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
    • Psychology
      3 sections
      • PSY 210 - Crisis Intervntion & Ref Techn
        1 section
        PSY 210 Course Description:
        Techniques used for brief therapy crisis intervention, intake interviewing and referral will be studied and practiced. Special attention will be given to the process of intervention, admitting, and recording of information as it pertains to alcohol and drug abuse clients. Through an experiential format, participants will learn and practice skills in brief therapy, different levels of client communication and intake interviewing. (CSU)
        • CRN 21370 (PSY 210 - Crisis Intervntion & Ref Techn)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21370
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21370 3.00 Patel, Aruna 15 1 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM ICSO DRC Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • PSY 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        PSY 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (Same as ADS 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 20539 (PSY 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20539
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20539 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 2 33 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 06:20 PM 400 413 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 413 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
      • PSY 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        PSY 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS/PSY 220 with emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (Same as ADS 221) (CSU)
        • CRN 20708 (PSY 221 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20708
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20708 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 0 35 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:30 PM - 06:20 PM 400 413 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 413 Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
  • Fall 2018
    9 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      7 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 11359 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11359
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11359 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM 400 412 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
      • ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 176 Course Description:
        This one unit course is an introduction to addictive, non-substance related disorders. Issues addressed will include sex and love addiction, gambling addiction, and compulsive spending. It will provide training in the application of appropriate therapeutic models and interventions. (CSU)
        • CRN 10537 (ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10537
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10537 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 21 14 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM 200 205 Aug 14, 2018 Sep 18, 2018
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 10538 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10538
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10538 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:20 PM 200 205 Sep 25, 2018 Oct 23, 2018
      • ADS 178 - Life Skills
        1 section
        ADS 178 Course Description:
        An in-depth overview of the skills to better living for those in recovery from abuse and addiction. This course compliments the curriculum for counseling students and is an enhancement for professionals. (CSU)
        • CRN 10539 (ADS 178 - Life Skills)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10539
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10539 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 23 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:20 PM 200 205 Oct 30, 2018 Dec 04, 2018
      • ADS 200 - Family Counseling Approaches
        1 section
        ADS 200 Course Description:
        A course designed to present basic ideas and theories about family dynamics, particularly as they apply to the family of the substance abuser, and to explore strategies for counseling the client's family. The approach is highly experiential in format and students will participate in exercises frequently to incorporate new skills and theory. (CSU)
        • CRN 11050 (ADS 200 - Family Counseling Approaches)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11050
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 11050 3.00 Patel, Aruna 15 27 -12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM ICSO DRC Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (CSU)
        • CRN 10542 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10542
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10542 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 11 24 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 01:50 PM 400 412 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 412 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS/PSY 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (Same as PSY 221) (CSU)
        • CRN 10544 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10544
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10544 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 12 23 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 01:50 PM 400 412 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 412 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
    • Psychology
      2 sections
      • PSY 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        PSY 220 Course Description:
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (Same as ADS 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 10543 (PSY 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10543
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10543 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 5 30 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 01:50 PM 400 412 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 412 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
      • PSY 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        PSY 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS/PSY 220 with emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (Same as ADS 221) (CSU)
        • CRN 11469 (PSY 221 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11469
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11469 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 0 35 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 01:50 PM 400 412 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 412 Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
  • Spring 2018
    1 section
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      1 section
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 20528 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20528
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 20528 3.00 Patel, Aruna 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM ICSO DRC Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
  • Fall 2017
    8 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      7 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course is offered through the Inside/Out College Program and includes students incarcerated at the Imperial County Jail. There will be a mandatory orientation on Thursday, August 17th, from 1:00pm-4:10pm in room 201 at the Imperial Valley College main campus. For more information, go to http://www.imperial.edu/courses-and-programs/inside-out/.
        • CRN 10531 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10531
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10531 3.00 Patel, Aruna 30 26 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM ICSO DRC Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
      • ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 176 Course Description:
        This one unit course is an introduction to addictive, non-substance related disorders. Issues addressed will include sex and love addiction, gambling addiction, and compulsive spending. It will provide training in the application of appropriate therapeutic models and interventions. (CSU)
        • CRN 10537 (ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10537
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10537 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 05:20 PM 400 412 Aug 16, 2017 Sep 13, 2017
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 10538 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10538
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10538 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 05:20 PM 400 412 Sep 20, 2017 Oct 18, 2017
      • ADS 178 - Life Skills
        1 section
        ADS 178 Course Description:
        An in-depth overview of the skills to better living for those in recovery from abuse and addiction. This course compliments the curriculum for counseling students and is an enhancement for professionals. (CSU)
        • CRN 10539 (ADS 178 - Life Skills)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10539
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10539 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 31 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 05:20 PM 400 412 Oct 25, 2017 Nov 29, 2017
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ADS/PSY 120, PSY 101 and SOC 101
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (Same as PSY 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 10542 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10542
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10542 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 20 15 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:20 PM - 06:20 PM 200 205 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 200 205 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS/PSY 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (Same as PSY 221) (CSU)
        • CRN 10544 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10544
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10544 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 9 26 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:20 PM - 06:20 PM 200 205 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 200 205 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
      • ADS 251 - Dual Diagnosis
        1 section
        ADS 251 Course Description:
        This course will introduce students to co-occurring disorders and treatment needs of those who have a psychiatric or mental health disorder in combination with a substance abuse disorder. Students will learn to identify, examine, screen and gain knowledge in assessment tools to evaluate the presence and severity of co-occurring disorders. This course also explores the treatment of persons with co-occurring disorders. Strategies for risk management associated with treating individual modalities with co-occurring disorders are presented. (CSU)
        • CRN 11218 (ADS 251 - Dual Diagnosis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11218
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11218 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 33 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 05:10 PM 200 205 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
    • Psychology
      1 section
      • PSY 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        PSY 220 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: PSY 101, ADS/PSY 120 or SOC 101
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (Same as ADS 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 10543 (PSY 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10543
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10543 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 2 33 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 05:20 PM - 06:20 PM 200 205 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 200 205 Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
  • Spring 2017
    3 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      3 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 20527 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20527
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20527 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 05:10 PM 400 412 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
      • ADS 200 - Family Counseling Approaches
        1 section
        ADS 200 Course Description:
        A course designed to present basic ideas and theories about family dynamics, particularly as they apply to the family of the substance abuser, and to explore strategies for counseling the client's family. The approach is highly experiential in format and students will participate in exercises frequently to incorporate new skills and theory. (CSU)
        • CRN 20778 (ADS 200 - Family Counseling Approaches)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20778
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20778 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 400 411 Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
      • ADS 240 - Ethics & Lgl Stnd Addct Couns
        1 section
        ADS 240 Course Description:
        This course reviews ethical and legal standards required by the industry, state entities, or federal entities and affecting the practice of addiction prevention and addiction counseling of adults and minors. Course will address specific requirements of the judicial system, Department of Children's Protective Services, the Department of Adult Protective Services, and the Department of Mental Health. (CSU)
        • CRN 20774 (ADS 240 - Ethics & Lgl Stnd Addct Couns)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20774
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20774 3.00 Patel, Aruna 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM ICSO DRC Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
  • Fall 2016
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course is offered through the Inside/Out College Program and includes students incarcerated at the Imperial County Jail. There will be a mandatory orientation on Thursday, August 20th, from 1:00pm-4:10pm in room 203 at the Imperial Valley College main campus. For more information, go to http://www.imperial.edu/courses-and-programs/inside-out/.
        • CRN 10531 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10531
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10531 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 05:10 PM 400 412 Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
      • ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 176 Course Description:
        This one unit course is an introduction to addictive, non-substance related disorders. Issues addressed will include sex and love addiction, gambling addiction, and compulsive spending. It will provide training in the application of appropriate therapeutic models and interventions. (CSU)
        • CRN 10537 (ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10537
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10537 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 31 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:50 PM 800 810 Aug 17, 2016 Sep 14, 2016
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 10538 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10538
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10538 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 29 6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:50 PM 800 810 Sep 21, 2016 Oct 19, 2016
      • ADS 178 - Life Skills
        1 section
        ADS 178 Course Description:
        An in-depth overview of the skills to better living for those in recovery from abuse and addiction. This course compliments the curriculum for counseling students and is an enhancement for professionals. (CSU)
        • CRN 10539 (ADS 178 - Life Skills)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10539
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10539 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:10 PM 800 810 Oct 26, 2016 Dec 07, 2016
      • ADS 200 - Family Counseling Approaches
        1 section
        ADS 200 Course Description:
        A course designed to present basic ideas and theories about family dynamics, particularly as they apply to the family of the substance abuser, and to explore strategies for counseling the client's family. The approach is highly experiential in format and students will participate in exercises frequently to incorporate new skills and theory. (CSU)
        • CRN 11050 (ADS 200 - Family Counseling Approaches)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11050
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 11050 3.00 Patel, Aruna 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM ICSO DRC Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
  • Spring 2016
    3 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      3 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 20527 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20527
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20527 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 05:10 PM 400 412 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 20528 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20528
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20528 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 20 15 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 800 810 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
      • ADS 240 - Ethics & Lgl Stnd Addct Couns
        1 section
        ADS 240 Course Description:
        This course reviews ethical and legal standards required by the industry, state entities, or federal entities and affecting the practice of addiction prevention and addiction counseling of adults and minors. Course will address specific requirements of the judicial system, Department of Children's Protective Services, the Department of Adult Protective Services, and the Department of Mental Health. (CSU)
        • CRN 20774 (ADS 240 - Ethics & Lgl Stnd Addct Couns)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20774
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20774 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 400 411 Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
  • Fall 2015
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course is offered through the Inside/Out College Program and includes students incarcerated at the Imperial County Jail. There will be a mandatory orientation on Thursday, August 20th, from 1:00pm-4:10pm in room 203 at the Imperial Valley College main campus. For more information, go to http://www.imperial.edu/courses-and-programs/inside-out/.
        • CRN 10531 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10531
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10531 3.00 Patel, Aruna 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM ICSO DRC Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 10532 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10532
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10532 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 05:10 PM 400 412 Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
      • ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 176 Course Description:
        This one unit course is an introduction to addictive, non-substance related disorders. Issues addressed will include sex and love addiction, gambling addiction, and compulsive spending. It will provide training in the application of appropriate therapeutic models and interventions. (CSU)
        • CRN 10537 (ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10537
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10537 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 17 18 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:50 PM 800 810 Aug 19, 2015 Sep 16, 2015
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 10538 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10538
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10538 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 27 8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:50 PM 800 810 Sep 23, 2015 Oct 21, 2015
      • ADS 178 - Life Skills
        1 section
        ADS 178 Course Description:
        An in-depth overview of the skills to better living for those in recovery from abuse and addiction. This course compliments the curriculum for counseling students and is an enhancement for professionals. (CSU)
        • CRN 10539 (ADS 178 - Life Skills)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10539
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10539 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 26 9 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:50 PM 800 810 Oct 28, 2015 Dec 09, 2015
  • Spring 2015
    3 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      3 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 20709 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20709
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20709 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 23 12 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 800 810 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 20712 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20712
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20712 3.00 Patel, Aruna 28 24 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 04:40 PM ICSO DRC Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
      • ADS 240 - Ethics & Lgl Stnd Addct Couns
        1 section
        ADS 240 Course Description:
        This course reviews ethical and legal standards required by the industry, state entities, or federal entities and affecting the practice of addiction prevention and addiction counseling of adults and minors. Course will address specific requirements of the judicial system, Department of Children's Protective Services, the Department of Adult Protective Services, and the Department of Mental Health. (CSU)
        • CRN 20836 (ADS 240 - Ethics & Lgl Stnd Addct Couns)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20836
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20836 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 17 18 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 04:40 PM 800 810 Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
  • Fall 2014
    6 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      4 sections
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 10661 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10661
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10661 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:50 PM 800 810 Sep 24, 2014 Oct 22, 2014
      • ADS 178 - Life Skills
        1 section
        ADS 178 Course Description:
        CRN 10662 is an experiential learning course in the Inside/Out Pilot Program. Class will be held at the Imperial County Day Reporting Center and include students incarcerated at the Imperial County Jail. Go to www.imperial.edu/inside-out/ for more information or contact Gaylla Finnell, program coordinator, at gaylla.finnell@imperial.edu. (CSU)
        • CRN 10662 (ADS 178 - Life Skills)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10662
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10662 1.00 Patel, Aruna 30 26 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 02:00 PM - 04:40 PM ICSO DRC Oct 30, 2014 Dec 11, 2014
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ADS/PSY 120, PSY 101 and SOC 101
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (Same as PSY 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 10666 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10666
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10666 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 13 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 400 403 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 403 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS/PSY 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (Same as PSY 221) (CSU)
        • CRN 10667 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10667
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10667 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 5 30 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 400 403 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 403 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
    • Psychology
      2 sections
      • PSY 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        PSY 220 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: PSY 101, ADS/PSY 120 or SOC 101
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (Same as ADS 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 10668 (PSY 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10668
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10668 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 10 25 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 400 403 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 403 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
      • PSY 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        PSY 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS/PSY 220 with emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (Same as ADS 221) (CSU)
        • CRN 10669 (PSY 221 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10669
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10669 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 0 35 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 400 403 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA 400 403 Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
  • Spring 2014
    3 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      3 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 20553 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20553
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20553 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 400 402 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 20554 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20554
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20554 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 22 13 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 04:40 PM 800 810 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
      • ADS 240 - Ethics & Lgl Stnd Addct Couns
        1 section
        ADS 240 Course Description:
        This course reviews ethical and legal standards required by the industry, state entities, or federal entities and affecting the practice of addiction prevention and addiction counseling of adults and minors. Course will address specific requirements of the judicial system, Department of Children's Protective Services, the Department of Adult Protective Services, and the Department of Mental Health. (CSU)
        • CRN 20557 (ADS 240 - Ethics & Lgl Stnd Addct Couns)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20557
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20557 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 13 22 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 800 810 Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
  • Fall 2013
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 10007 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10007
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10007 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 800 810 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 10008 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10008
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10008 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 32 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 04:40 PM 800 810 Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
      • ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 176 Course Description:
        This one unit course is an introduction to addictive, non-substance related disorders. Issues addressed will include sex and love addiction, gambling addiction, and compulsive spending. It will provide training in the application of appropriate therapeutic models and interventions. (CSU)
        • CRN 10013 (ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10013
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10013 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:50 PM 800 810 Aug 19, 2013 Sep 18, 2013
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 10014 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10014
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10014 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:50 PM 800 810 Sep 25, 2013 Oct 23, 2013
      • ADS 178 - Life Skills
        1 section
        ADS 178 Course Description:
        An in-depth overview of the skills to better living for those in recovery from abuse and addiction. This course compliments the curriculum for counseling students and is an enhancement for professionals. (CSU)
        • CRN 10015 (ADS 178 - Life Skills)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10015
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10015 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 19 16 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:50 PM 800 810 Oct 30, 2013 Nov 27, 2013
  • Spring 2013
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      3 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 20201 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20201
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20201 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 25 10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 04:40 PM 800 810 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • ADS 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 220 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: ADS/PSY 120, PSY 101 and SOC 101
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (Same as PSY 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 20205 (ADS 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20205
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20205 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 5 30 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 800 810 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • ADS 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        ADS 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS/PSY 220 with an emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (Same as PSY 221) (CSU)
        • CRN 20206 (ADS 221 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20206
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20206 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 7 28 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 800 810 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
    • Psychology
      2 sections
      • PSY 220 - Practicum
        1 section
        PSY 220 Course Description:
        Recommended Preparation: PSY 101, ADS/PSY 120 or SOC 101
        A course designed to provide opportunity for the student in Psychology, Human Relations, or Alcohol and Drug Studies to gain experience under supervised conditions such as those involving mental health, child development, youth corrections, welfare, homes for the neglected, homes for the aged, youth recreation, rehabilitation centers for people with physical limitations, and educational settings. Students will be supervised by qualified instructional staff and professionally trained personnel. (Same as ADS 220) (CSU)
        • CRN 20263 (PSY 220 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20263
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20263 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 5 30 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 800 810 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
      • PSY 221 - Practicum
        1 section
        PSY 221 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: ADS/PSY 220 with a grade of "C" or better.
        A continuation of ADS/PSY 220 with emphasis in gaining further experience in the same institution or agency or a different institution or agency. (Same as ADS 221) (CSU)
        • CRN 20264 (PSY 221 - Practicum)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20264
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20264 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 1 34 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 04:45 PM - 06:10 PM 800 810 Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
  • Fall 2012
    5 sections
    • Addiction Disorder Studies
      5 sections
      • ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt
        1 section
        ADS 101 Course Description:
        This course will serve as an introduction to assessment and treatment approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alcoholism will be studied in its social and clinical context. Attention will be given to the basic theoretical approaches to the disease. This course will examine the various components of intervention, treatment, recovery, and resources. (CSU)
        • CRN 10468 (ADS 101 - Alcoholism: Intrntn, Trtmt)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10468
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10468 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 31 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 01:30 PM - 04:40 PM 200 208 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
      • ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh
        1 section
        ADS 110 Course Description:
        The course is designed to provide the student with information on the processing systems of the body and how they react to alcohol and drugs. This course will seek to explain where and how drugs act and why. The course will bring about an understanding of how drugs influence consciousness, mood and feeling. It will enable students to understand that both the internal and external environments have important effects on the well-being of the individual. (CSU)
        • CRN 10470 (ADS 110 - Physiological Effects of Alcoh)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10470
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10470 3.00 Patel, Aruna 35 30 5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 800 806 Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
      • ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction
        1 section
        ADS 176 Course Description:
        This one unit course is an introduction to addictive, non-substance related disorders. Issues addressed will include sex and love addiction, gambling addiction, and compulsive spending. It will provide training in the application of appropriate therapeutic models and interventions. (CSU)
        • CRN 10703 (ADS 176 - Sex and Gambling Addiction)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10703
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10703 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 28 7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 800 806 Aug 22, 2012 Sep 19, 2012
      • ADS 177 - Anger Management
        1 section
        ADS 177 Course Description:
        An introduction to the theories and interventions for the management of anger and violence. This one unit class includes intimate abuse and child abuse with special emphasis on brief intervention and emotive behavioral therapies. (CSU)
        • CRN 10587 (ADS 177 - Anger Management)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10587
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10587 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 31 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 800 806 Sep 26, 2012 Oct 24, 2012
      • ADS 178 - Life Skills
        1 section
        ADS 178 Course Description:
        An in-depth overview of the skills to better living for those in recovery from abuse and addiction. This course compliments the curriculum for counseling students and is an enhancement for professionals. (CSU)
        • CRN 10588 (ADS 178 - Life Skills)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10588
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10588 1.00 Patel, Aruna 35 24 11 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Lecture/Discussion 06:30 PM - 09:40 PM 800 806 Oct 31, 2012 Nov 28, 2012