IVC Class Formats Banner
  • Online (Asynchronous)
    • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Real-Time Online (Synchronous)
    • In a real-time online class, course meetings occur virtually on Zoom. The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors will use Canvas to disseminate grades and potentially other class content, such as documents, discussions, and announcements. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with Zoom meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    HyFlex (Synchronous)
    • In a HyFlex class, all course meetings are held face-to-face at IVC or a designated physical site, and may also be attended virtually, via Zoom (or the district-approved video conferencing platform). The course meetings occur at scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements. High-stake assessments, such as mid-term or final will be the same exam for online or face-to-face students. Training/approvals: Canvas Basics, Zoom, Classroom Technology Tools.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    2700 2727
    Hybrid (Face-to-Face + Online)
    • In a hybrid class, course activity occurs both online and face-toface on campus; both the online and face-to-face portion are required. The face-to-face meetings occur on scheduled days and times. All online content is delivered in Canvas and/or zoom. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term, with face-to-face meetings, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site and in Canvas.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    3100 3115
    Example 2:
    Building Room
    3100 3109
    Face-to-Face (On Ground)
    • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

    ondemand_videoVideo Overview

    Building Room
    3100 3115
  • Changes may be occurring daily for schedule data and files are subject to change.
  • Fall 2024
    1 section
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit twelve units. (CSU)
        • CRN 10433 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10433
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10433 3.00 Palacio, John 10 7 3 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:30 AM - 07:35 AM 700 TC Aug 12, 2024 Dec 07, 2024
  • Spring 2024
    1 section
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 137 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for preparation and training involved with intercollegiate tennis competition. Maximum credit twelve units. (Formerly PE 154, formerly ATHL 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20474 (ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20474
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20474 3.00 Palacio, John 10 10 0 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:30 AM - 07:35 AM 700 TC Jan 02, 2024 Apr 26, 2024
  • Fall 2023
    1 section
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit twelve units. (CSU)
        • CRN 10433 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10433
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10433 3.00 Palacio, John 10 13 -3 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:30 AM - 07:35 AM 700 TC Aug 14, 2023 Dec 09, 2023
  • Spring 2023
    1 section
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 137 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for preparation and training involved with intercollegiate tennis competition. Maximum credit twelve units. (Formerly PE 154, formerly ATHL 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20474 (ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20474
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20474 3.00 Palacio, John 10 11 -1 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:30 AM - 07:35 AM 700 TC Jan 03, 2023 Apr 28, 2023
  • Fall 2022
    1 section
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit twelve units. (CSU)
        • CRN 10433 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10433
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10433 3.00 Palacio, John 10 12 -2 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:30 AM - 07:35 AM 700 TC Aug 15, 2022 Dec 10, 2022
  • Spring 2022
    1 section
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 137 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for preparation and training involved with intercollegiate tennis competition. Maximum credit twelve units. (Formerly PE 154, formerly ATHL 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20474 (ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20474
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20474 3.00 Palacio, John 10 9 1 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 02:00 PM - 04:10 PM 700 TC Jan 03, 2022 Apr 29, 2022
  • Fall 2021
    1 section
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit twelve units. (CSU)
        • CRN 10436 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10436
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10436 3.00 Palacio, John 10 9 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM 700 TC Aug 16, 2021 Dec 11, 2021
  • Spring 2021
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 137 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for preparation and training involved with intercollegiate tennis competition. Maximum credit twelve units. (Formerly PE 154, formerly ATHL 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20951 (ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 20951
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20951 3.00 Palacio, John 10 8 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
    • Exercise Science
      1 section
      • ES 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        ES 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 21740 (ES 126 - Tennis)
          • In an online class, all course activity occurs online; there are no required real-time or on-campus meetings. All content is delivered in Canvas. Coursework does have due dates as set by the instructor, but can be completed, once the content becomes available, at any time before the due date. At the start of the semester, a detailed schedule for the term with specific content availability and due dates of coursework, including potential online proctored summative/high-stake assessments, such as a mid-term or final, will be posted on IVC's Schedule Site.

          Details for Course 21740
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21740 1.00 Palacio, John 30 28 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
          Meeting Type:Lecture TBA ONLINE Feb 16, 2021 Jun 11, 2021
  • Fall 2020
    1 section
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit twelve units. (CSU)
        • CRN 11827 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 11827
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 11827 3.00 Palacio, John 10 7 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 PM - 07:50 PM ONL-ZM Aug 17, 2020 Dec 12, 2020
  • Spring 2020
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 137 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for preparation and training involved with intercollegiate tennis competition. Maximum credit twelve units. (Formerly PE 154, formerly ATHL 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20951 (ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20951
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20951 3.00 Palacio, John 10 14 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:40 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Jan 06, 2020 May 01, 2020
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 21014 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21014
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21014 1.00 Palacio, John 30 29 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 11:20 AM - 12:25 PM 700 TC Feb 18, 2020 Jun 12, 2020
  • Winter 2020
    1 section
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 15113 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 15113
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 15113 1.00 Palacio, John 30 26 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 10:00 AM - 11:25 AM 700 TC Jan 06, 2020 Feb 06, 2020
  • Fall 2019
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit twelve units. (CSU)
        • CRN 10888 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10888
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10888 3.00 Palacio, John 10 19 -9 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10739 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10739
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10739 1.00 Palacio, John 30 38 -8 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 09:35 AM - 10:40 AM 700 TC Aug 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019
  • Spring 2019
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 137 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for preparation and training involved with intercollegiate tennis competition. Maximum credit twelve units. (Formerly PE 154, formerly ATHL 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20951 (ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20951
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20951 3.00 Palacio, John 10 17 -7 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:40 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Jan 02, 2019 Apr 19, 2019
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 21014 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21014
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 21014 1.00 Palacio, John 30 27 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 11:20 AM - 12:25 PM 700 TC Feb 11, 2019 Jun 07, 2019
  • Winter 2019
    1 section
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 15113 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 15113
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 15113 1.00 Palacio, John 30 36 -6 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 10:00 AM - 11:25 AM 700 TC Jan 02, 2019 Feb 01, 2019
  • Fall 2018
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit twelve units. (CSU)
        • CRN 10888 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10888
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10888 3.00 Palacio, John 10 20 -10 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10740 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10740
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10740 1.00 Palacio, John 30 32 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 06:30 PM - 08:35 PM 700 TC Aug 13, 2018 Dec 08, 2018
  • Spring 2018
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 137 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for preparation and training involved with intercollegiate tennis competition. Maximum credit twelve units. (Formerly PE 154, formerly ATHL 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20951 (ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20951
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20951 3.00 Palacio, John 10 9 1 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Jan 02, 2018 Apr 27, 2018
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 21014 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21014
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 21014 1.00 Palacio, John 30 34 -4 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 11:30 AM - 12:35 PM 700 TC Feb 12, 2018 Jun 08, 2018
  • Winter 2018
    1 section
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 15113 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 15113
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 15113 1.00 Palacio, John 30 28 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM 700 TC Jan 02, 2018 Feb 02, 2018
  • Fall 2017
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit twelve units. (CSU)
        • CRN 10888 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10888
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10888 3.00 Palacio, John 10 8 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10740 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10740
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10740 1.00 Palacio, John 30 29 1 No Syllabus Available Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 06:30 PM - 08:35 PM 700 TC Aug 14, 2017 Dec 08, 2017
  • Spring 2017
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 137 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for preparation and training involved with intercollegiate tennis competition. Maximum credit twelve units. (Formerly PE 154, formerly ATHL 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20951 (ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20951
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20951 3.00 Palacio, John 10 9 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Jan 03, 2017 Apr 28, 2017
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 21014 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 21014
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 21014 1.00 Palacio, John 30 34 -4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 11:30 AM - 12:35 PM 700 TC Feb 13, 2017 Jun 09, 2017
  • Fall 2016
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit twelve units. (CSU)
        • CRN 10888 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10888
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10888 3.00 Palacio, John 10 11 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10740 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10740
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          WAIT 10740 1.00 Palacio, John 30 30 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 06:30 PM - 08:35 PM 700 TC Aug 15, 2016 Dec 09, 2016
  • Spring 2016
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 137 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for preparation and training involved with intercollegiate tennis competition. Maximum credit twelve units. (Formerly PE 154, formerly ATHL 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20951 (ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20951
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20951 3.00 Palacio, John 10 11 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Jan 05, 2016 Apr 29, 2016
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20736 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20736
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20736 1.00 Palacio, John 28 29 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 06:30 PM - 08:35 PM 700 TC Feb 16, 2016 Jun 10, 2016
  • Fall 2015
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit twelve units. (CSU)
        • CRN 10888 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10888
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10888 3.00 Palacio, John 10 10 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10740 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10740
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10740 1.00 Palacio, John 28 31 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 06:30 PM - 08:35 PM 700 TC Aug 17, 2015 Dec 11, 2015
  • Spring 2015
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 137 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for preparation and training involved with intercollegiate tennis competition. Maximum credit eight units. (Formerly PE 154, formerly ATHL 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20629 (ATHL 137 - Intercoll Men's Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20629
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20629 2.00 Palacio, John 10 11 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Jan 06, 2015 May 01, 2015
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20664 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20664
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20664 1.00 Palacio, John 28 30 -2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 04:10 PM - 06:15 PM 700 TC Feb 17, 2015 Jun 12, 2015
  • Fall 2014
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis
        1 section
        ATHL 136 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by CCCAA rules.
        This class is designed for off-season conditioning/skill development for intercollegiate tennis. Maximum credit eight units. (CSU)
        • CRN 10868 (ATHL 136 - Out Season Int Men's Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10868
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10868 2.00 Palacio, John 10 15 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 06:00 AM - 08:05 AM 700 TC Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10555 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10555
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10555 1.00 Palacio, John 28 29 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 06:30 PM - 08:35 PM 700 TC Aug 18, 2014 Dec 13, 2014
  • Spring 2014
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 154 - Intercollegiate Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 154 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by Conference rules; IVC guidelines in the AS Handbook for athletics will also apply.
        Open to both men and women. Maximum credit four units. (Formerly PE 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20366 (ATHL 154 - Intercollegiate Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20366
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20366 2.00 Palacio, John 10 15 -5 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Jan 06, 2014 May 02, 2014
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20352 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20352
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20352 1.00 Palacio, John 28 26 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 06:30 PM - 08:35 PM 700 TC Jan 21, 2014 May 16, 2014
  • Fall 2013
    4 sections
    • Physical Education
      4 sections
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        4 sections
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10178 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10178
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10178 1.00 Palacio, John 25 24 1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 08:05 AM - 09:00 AM 700 TC Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
        • CRN 10180 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10180
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10180 1.00 Palacio, John 25 21 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 09:10 AM - 10:05 AM 700 TC Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
        • CRN 10181 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10181
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10181 1.00 Palacio, John 25 22 3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 06:30 PM - 08:35 PM 700 TC Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
        • CRN 10184 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10184
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10184 1.00 Palacio, John 25 26 -1 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 10:15 AM - 11:10 AM 700 TC Aug 19, 2013 Dec 07, 2013
  • Spring 2013
    2 sections
    • Athletics
      1 section
      • ATHL 154 - Intercollegiate Tennis & PE
        1 section
        ATHL 154 Course Description:
        Prerequisite: Eligibility will be determined by Conference rules; IVC guidelines in the AS Handbook for athletics will also apply.
        Open to both men and women. Maximum credit four units. (Formerly PE 154) (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20538 (ATHL 154 - Intercollegiate Tennis & PE)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20538
          Late Start Class
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 20538 2.00 Palacio, John 10 18 -8 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:45 AM - 07:50 AM 700 TC Jan 03, 2013 Apr 26, 2013
    • Physical Education
      1 section
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        1 section
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 20534 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 20534
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 20534 1.00 Palacio, John 25 21 4 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 05:50 PM - 07:50 PM 700 TC Jan 14, 2013 May 10, 2013
  • Fall 2012
    4 sections
    • Physical Education
      4 sections
      • PE 126 - Tennis
        4 sections
        PE 126 Course Description:
        Tennis offers training in the basic fundamentals of the game including history, rules, and etiquette. Social etiquette of the game is stressed along with the worthy use of leisure time. Tournament competition in singles and doubles is emphasized. (CSU) (UC credit limited. See a counselor.)
        • CRN 10676 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10676
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          OPEN 10676 1.00 Palacio, John 25 23 2 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 08:05 AM - 09:00 AM 700 TC Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10677 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10677
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10677 1.00 Palacio, John 25 25 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 09:10 AM - 10:05 AM 700 TC Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10680 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10680
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10680 1.00 Palacio, John 25 28 -3 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 01:30 PM - 02:25 PM 700 TC Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012
        • CRN 10681 (PE 126 - Tennis)
          • In a face-to-face class, course activity occurs at IVC or a designated physical site. The course meetings occur on scheduled days and times. Instructors may still use Canvas or other software products to enhance the class outside of the face-to-face meetings, such as by posting documents, discussions, and announcements.

          Details for Course 10681
          Status CRN Units Instructor Cap Act Rem Syllabi Textbooks
          FULL 10681 1.00 Palacio, John 25 25 0 View Syllabus / Download Textbooks
          Meeting Type Meeting Dates Times Building Room Start Date End Date
          Meeting Type:Laboratory 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM 700 TC Aug 20, 2012 Dec 07, 2012